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Around the League 2019-2024 Edition

No offense to Raleigh but you can't compare the two cities

Sure, but 8 years is more than 7 and Carolina a much better shout to break through and win a title than that Tampa core imo. Kucherov had to be fucking superman for them to get to 98 points last year.
Sure, but 8 years is more than 7 and Carolina a much better shout to break through and win a title than that Tampa core imo. Kucherov had to be fucking superman for them to get to 98 points last year.
Dundon is an ass. Doubt they beat Tampa
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Wes Clark regarding one of the guys they took (I didn't hear who it was about): "he's very physical... Big body.. I think we know what Tre likes so we try to execute with that in mind."

There's some influence there! Though I'm pretty sure it was a throw away 7th rounder. Scouts make the picks but I don't think Tre woulda wanted them taking those midgets that fell, for example. Some influence makes sense.

I think Tre likes the big boys on the backend and more open with the forward group for a smaller guy.