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Around the League 2019-2024 Edition

So a team looking for goals went for the player that gives them the probability of more goals. Got it.

In context, Coleman serves their purposes for a playoff run more than those three. I don’t see the issue here. Oh right, their Leafs.

Super elite

Yep, leaf fans are deluded for thinking their young proven consistent depth scorers are as valuable as any random late bloomer having an outlier season on some bottom feeder that's no better than our kids' average.

You guys are too kind to bite on his ridiculous take. But I appreciate watching the carnage. Good work 101 and Zeke.
Gets kinda tiring responding with stats and numbers when you know people from other subforums don't bother with them.

I responded the other day to someone who said the Leafs' need for a backup goaltender was "overstated" with a shitload of numbers and basically just got a "Whatever."
Hockeylover. You don't love hockey. I don't know what you like. Now if you have blocked me, you won't respond. But I find your stuff, two days behind. Respect
Gets kinda tiring responding with stats and numbers when you know people from other subforums don't bother with them.

I responded the other day to someone who said the Leafs' need for a backup goaltender was "overstated" with a shitload of numbers and basically just got a "Whatever."

Because they don't care. They just want their shitty hot takes. Having any objective measure of truth at all threatens their ability to have shitty hot takes.
We are done after tonight. Andersen gave his answer and he is satisfied with what he has glommed from the NHL.

His teammates will respond accordingly.

We will not make the playoffs.

So what Freddy if one of the hottest women in the world dropped you two months ago? You mug.

Always another mall in Toronto Freddy. This is what killed Dmitri Krstich. Same shit, weak guys falling for........ tail.

Tail wants us more than them. But tail loves $
Is it Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays where you say we’re not making the playoffs, and the reverse on the other days? Come on, Teeds. You have to pick one and stick to it.

Like this: we’re making the playoffs, don’t doubt it for a second.
it does look like the Panthers will lose the one-legged man sack race. but it's not a lock. we need a win streak to put them behind us. same for them.
Problem for the Panthers is they are wildly outscoring their xgf and scf rates

5v5 4th in GF but bottom tier in xgf and scf.

That shit dont last
Just a note that the leafs and panthers, in this "one legged man sack race", would both currently be in a playoffs position in 3 of 4 divisions.

The leafs would be one point out of a playoffs spot in the 4th division.
Seeing the return for Coleman, if the Panthers drop a couple games, I'd love to see them do a quick retool.

You'd have to figure they'd have a piece they could send to Colorado and possibly wrench one or some of their top prospects out of their hands.
Any other division in hockey and even with this year being what it's been, we would have a solid, even likely path to the conference finals. We're going to have to beat the 2nd best team in hockey and then the best team in hockey, in the first two rounds.

and if we don't, the mewling from the media and fanbase will be unbearable.