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Around the League 2019-2024 Edition

And if there was any year to go for it, this is the one. They have such an easy path to the WCF. After that, who knows. Couple nice matchups/luck and they're the champs. I'm jelly.

Markstrom playing out of him mind could be the ticket out of the west for them. This could be his lightning in a bottle year based off his track record so take full advantage and go for it
Eat 3.5 - 4 mil and put him on a better roster, there is a deal to be made

A motivated Price with talent is greater than a shit team expecting him to carry a team

If Lucic and other POS get moved this is not an impossible move , hype still has value.

Lucic was moved for a contract that appeared nearly as bad at the time.

So yeah, Florida might do the deal for Bobrovsky.

There's no deal to be made, even eating a significant amount of cap space (which Bergevin won't do until it's way, way too late).
Lucic was moved for a contract that appeared nearly as bad at the time.

So yeah, Florida might do the deal for Bobrovsky.

There's no deal to be made, even eating a significant amount of cap space (which Bergevin won't do until it's way, way too late).

Nero doesn’t have the balls to move him , it’s his boy .

Ujiri would of moved him years ago
I do remember Julien Gauthier from his draft year.

He got some Lawson Crouse-esque hype for scoring a bunch of goals as a 6'4", 220+ 18 year-old bodybuilder who was built like a brick shithouse. But as a man who's no longer playing against boys in the pros, things haven't gone as well for him.

Keane actually looks interesting. 30 points in 49 games as a 20 year-old RHD playing in the AHL.
Mouth breathers.

I mean, why else would a GM with veterans like Petry and Tatar potentially for sale be in Colorado if not to sell his 32 yr old, 10.5 million dollar, .911 sv% goalie to a team with not one, but two goalies that have been better this season. Both of whom are much cheaper, and one of whom they recently gave up stuff to get.


My point was that I believe that as insane as it might be... I think there's possibly a GM out there that would bye Carey Price based on his name. Same reason that somehow the NHL player poll named Price the best goalie in the world last year.... even though he was nowhere near the best.

Problem is... I believe that Bervegin is one of those idiots that believes Price is still a great goalie and worth the money he makes.

should have kept halak instead
My point was that I believe that as insane as it might be... I think there's possibly a GM out there that would bye Carey Price based on his name. Same reason that somehow the NHL player poll named Price the best goalie in the world last year.... even though he was nowhere near the best.

Problem is... I believe that Bervegin is one of those idiots that believes Price is still a great goalie and worth the money he makes.

Ideally, Bergevin should have been fired a couple years ago, so a new GM now would not have his first piece of business to be unloading Price and his contract. Even if you fire Bergevin now, how are you going to find someone willing to take over this mess of an organization?
Ideally, Bergevin should have been fired a couple years ago, so a new GM now would not have his first piece of business to be unloading Price and his contract. Even if you fire Bergevin now, how are you going to find someone willing to take over this mess of an organization?

Eh, there's only 31 jobs like it in the world of hockey and everyone who thinks they're capable of it thinks that they're a fucking hockey genius. The problem the Habs will have is the french thing. With the growth of international hockey over the last 30ish years, the french canadian share of hockey talent (on ice and executives) has gone from 25% of available talent to maybe 10% of available talent. You're not going to out compete many organizations when you're restricting yourself to the best selection out of 10% of available talent, instead of out of the whole pie.

The Habs need a fundamental rethink of how they approaching organization building more than they need a new GM.
DeMelo to the Jets for a 3rd

That's a tidy bit of business for the Jets. DeMelo had strong analytics on a terrible team. At worst he's a really solid 3rd pairing RHD, but he'll do as a #4 in a pinch for a team with a hilariously bad blueline.
Eh, there's only 31 jobs like it in the world of hockey and everyone who thinks they're capable of it thinks that they're a fucking hockey genius. The problem the Habs will have is the french thing. With the growth of international hockey over the last 30ish years, the french canadian share of hockey talent (on ice and executives) has gone from 25% of available talent to maybe 10% of available talent. You're not going to out compete many organizations when you're restricting yourself to the best selection out of 10% of available talent, instead of out of the whole pie.

The Habs need a fundamental rethink of how they approaching organization building more than they need a new GM.

If I'm the owner of the Habs I donate money to a university like UQAM to set up a Sports Management option in their MBA program.
Create a farm team for execs in your backyard.

In the interim I would have tried very hard to lure Anthopoulos after he left the Jays.
Eh, there's only 31 jobs like it in the world of hockey and everyone who thinks they're capable of it thinks that they're a fucking hockey genius. The problem the Habs will have is the french thing. With the growth of international hockey over the last 30ish years, the french canadian share of hockey talent (on ice and executives) has gone from 25% of available talent to maybe 10% of available talent. You're not going to out compete many organizations when you're restricting yourself to the best selection out of 10% of available talent, instead of out of the whole pie.

The Habs need a fundamental rethink of how they approaching organization building more than they need a new GM.

True , but there is no language issue or cap limit fixing my fundamental problem......drafting and developing

Pipes , and the rest of our current and previous crew failed for a decade