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Around the League 2019-2024 Edition

but you cannot separate this from the reality that these same teens then become props of an oppressive regime of raping imperialists. and these props are used to shore up domestic support for their ongoing campaigns of rape and pillage.

yes I can separate the two

where does your line end? you're simply using a wider brush to paint it than I am comfortable doing
yes I can separate the two

where does your line end? you're simply using a wider brush to paint it than I am comfortable doing
my line ends when Ukraine does not have foreign troops raping and murdering their population and blowing their towns and villages to smithereens for sport.

my view is that we have gotten to the point we are at because the West has given Vlad and his mafioso cronies basically a free pass for behaving exactly like they are now. at some point we (i.e. western, developed, democratic world) either put our foot down or let them run amok. I feel like we have reaching the fork in the road and its time to go all-in on either path.

and I am all-in on the 'fuck Russia' path cause I don't think this war ends with what I and most folks would consider a favourable outcome any other way.

Russia wants to behave like North Korea? treat them like them.
my line ends when Ukraine does not have foreign troops raping and murdering their population and blowing their towns and villages to smithereens for sport.

my view is that we have gotten to the point we are at because the West has given Vlad and his mafioso cronies basically a free pass for behaving exactly like they are now. at some point we (i.e. western, developed, democratic world) either put our foot down or let them run amok. I feel like we have reaching the fork in the road and its time to go all-in on either path.

and I am all-in on the 'fuck Russia' path cause I don't think this war ends with what I and most folks would consider a favourable outcome any other way.

Russia wants to behave like North Korea? treat them like them.

they can swim to Miami if they want to defect
It's a tough one.

If Biden invaded Canada, and as a result the HNIC feed was blacked out for all Americans here, I don't think that would be fair to an innocent bystander like myself.
It's a tough one.

If Biden invaded Canada, and as a result the HNIC feed was blacked out for all Americans here, I don't think that would be fair to an innocent bystander like myself.
but it might piss you off enough to do something about it.

I'm usually someone who lives in the gray but for me this one is totally black and white.
It's pretty gray.

Lots of innocent Russians who may be dead set against what Putin is doing, but have zero power to do anything about it, could see their lives and livelihoods crumble through no fault of their own. All I could do is write a letter to CBC, maybe stand outside their offices with a sign, and as we know, the general populace in Russian can't even make a peep in opposition without being hauled off to jail.

So I get it from one standpoint, and may even need to go along with it to keep the pressure on to stop this guy, but it certainly presents a difficult moral issue.
It's pretty gray.

Lots of innocent Russians who may be dead set against what Putin is doing, but have zero power to do anything about it, could see their lives and livelihoods crumble through no fault of their own. All I could do is write a letter to CBC, maybe stand outside their offices with a sign, and as we know, the general populace in Russian can't even make a peep in opposition without being hauled off to jail.

So I get it from one standpoint, and may even need to go along with it to keep the pressure on to stop this guy, but it certainly presents a difficult moral issue.
the unfortunate reality I think is that suffering is required from at least one group of people to bring about a positive resolution. so the question becomes, who and why and to what end...

but generally I would agree with your assessment here.
Its not going to change anything. If anything Russia prefers its players don't come over. You are only preventing teenagers from one of the few paths of escaping.
The Canadian teams purely out of spite. Maybe the Kings and Stars as well since they're boring as shit. But if they get the Oilers in the first round that trumps my aversion to boredom.

If the Leafs are out I'll be hoping Tampa, Florida or Colorado win the cup and I'll be hoping for fewer cross checks and a more watchable NBA-esque product. Last bit is probably an unrealistic dream but here's to hoping! I'd like to actually stick through watching the entire playoffs for the first time in at least a decade.