Centre of the universe fuckers!
Hyman 2.0 .....show me the money
Not leaving a nickel on the table
Centre of the universe fuckers!
Agreed. And he has to. He's earned so little for an NHL player.Hyman 2.0 .....show me the money
Not leaving a nickel on the table
Agreed. And he has to. He's earned so little for an NHL player.
Funny that's a story though in August: A Leaf player who's UFA next year.
There's plenty of appealing things about hockey for rednecks too, though. Out of all the major sporting leagues in North America, hockey is the whitest, has the most retrograde management and the least amount of involvement in progressive political causes. And there's also the fact that nobody kneels during anthems and no NHL championship team turned down an invitation to the Trump White House.
Holy shit lol, koreaboy's eye just twitched involuntarily wherever he is.I could give a shit what their gender is, I’d just like a pair of TV announcers that are actually unabashed Leaf fans.
Still the only team in all of professional sports that never gets a home TV broadcast for a single one of their games.
Holy shit lol, koreaboy's eye just twitched involuntarily wherever he is.
The hilarious thing is that for all KB’s whining about Cole and Neale being Leaf homers, Cole is a lifelong Habs fan and Neale was likely a Sabres fan.
The post hit me as funny because KB's main complaint was that Toronto was given too many national broadcasts.. and now you're saying that you wished the Leafs had more regional broadcasts with our own broadcast team.
And now, we've become the sens...something something flat circle.
I think even on TSN/SN, Leafs broadcasts are national no?