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Around the League 2019-2024 Edition

Just look at his regular season record, he's obviously not the bumbling Inspector Clouseau of hockey that he was often portrayed as, to blame for every single bad thing that ever happens (I'm talking about Forum Ice here, by the way, not the mainstream media).

the fact remains, though, that he made a lot of stupid decisions this year and deserved to be fired, especially after losing in the first round again.

I don't think it's surprising at all that he got another job. The turnaround was fast, but this is the time of year when teams who fired their coach are hiring replacements.

It's definitely arguable that the media was too easy on Keefe, not too hard.
Just look at his regular season record, he's obviously not the bumbling Inspector Clouseau of hockey that he was often portrayed as, to blame for every single bad thing that ever happens (I'm talking about Forum Ice here, by the way, not the mainstream media).

the fact remains, though, that he made a lot of stupid decisions this year and deserved to be fired, especially after losing in the first round again.

I don't think it's surprising at all that he got another job. The turnaround was fast, but this is the time of year when teams who fired their coach are hiring replacements.

It's definitely arguable that the media was too easy on Keefe, not too hard.

I used to be on axl's side but too much evidence has piled up between the league actively sabotaging Dubas out of spite, the media making fun of nerdies every chance they get and blaming them for the teams failures (and then praising nerdies as soon as they fire Dubas), and former refs actively mocking and bashing the Leafs. I mean there's only so much one can ignore.

Ultimately the media stuff bothers me way less than the ref and Dubas sabotage stuff though. The media stuff is just funny when they get hypocritical like this.

These dorks gonna actually pretend that the Leafs have been considered a well run and well coached team by the hockey world.

amazing stuff.
I will say there were stupid and unfair things said or insinuated about Dubas when he was with the Leafs, some by non-Illuminatists.

Don't see much evidence of this with regard to Sheldon, though.
I think the criticisms of him here have been entirely fair really. He’s not a terrible coach but there’s a lot of things that we’ve been over at length that ultimately fall at a coach’s door, Imo. (That doesn’t mean players and GM are blameless).
I will say there were stupid and unfair things said or insinuated about Dubas when he was with the Leafs, some by non-Illuminatists.

Don't see much evidence of this with regard to Sheldon, though.

Dubas was always a bit of an outsider in this game (some of the media will diss nerds every chance they get) but that outsider status (fair or unfair) also makes him a rare commodity in hockey, so nobody (not even zeke) should be surprised that a hedge fund driven sports conglomerate like Fenway Sports would throw massive dollars and responsibility at him
The other bit is that the sports management grad from Brock University turned out to be a bit of a fraud.

But yes that's besides the point. His existence represented a movement that made many folks uncomfortable. And being in Toronto made him an even larger target to the point where GMs were claiming garbage players off waivers just to spite him.
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So from what I'm reading the summary on Keefe is good coach but obtuse?
good coach, but like any has limitations and blind spots.

and as time went on, instead of learning and improving, the opposite seemed to happen. he just doubled down on dumb shit. his comfort blankets are gudpro vets. didn't play the kids. stopped trying to score goals. etc.
Most fans (and media) are myopic and too zoomed in to their specific market. Fans especially can't be counted on to look at these hirings and firings from a macro level.

Dubas wasn't perfect...but he held a very important job for several years until he was let go at 37 years old. It's perfectly normal for someone else in the industry to come along and make a bet that Dubas will learn from his mistakes and actually get better at his job (as many C suite execs do out there in the real world)
The other bit is that the sports management grad from Brock University turned out to be a bit of a fraud.

But yes that's besides the point. His existence represented a movement that made many folks uncomfortable. And being in Toronto made him an even larger target to the point where GMs were claiming garbage players off waivers just to spite him.
It’s also possible those GMs were acting not just out of spite, but also out of fear that Dubas knew something they didn’t.