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Around the League 2019-2024 Edition

Also, the NHLPA needs to stop protecting the players who assault members of the NHLPA. If you give Bortuzzo the 10+ games he deserves, the PA would appeal it. They keep "protecting" the perpetrator instead of the victim.

This is one of those sentiments that sounds nice on a surface level, but just doesn't work in reality.
it's embarassing that guys who built their careers on hurting other players are in charge of league discipline.
it's embarassing that guys who built their careers on hurting other players are in charge of league discipline.

Agreed 100%. And it's odd no one points that out.
I realize Parros is incredibly educated, but he's still a guy who was a goon and hurt guys.
Burke, Shanny, Parros, Campbell, Quintal. They intentionally target guys who played dirty for the job. One of the minimum job qualifications is at least one season on hockeydb with 2 PIM/g.
Shit like this is one of the only reasons that "heavy hockey" still wins at all. The NHL is terrible at defending it's players and allows goon shit like this to injure high talent players.

If the NHL starting properly penalizing non hockey, intent to injure plays like that, they would go away.

The players would not have to "police themselves" if the league actually did the policing.

So stupid.
The league should differentiate between hockey plays that go dangerously sideways and non hockey plays that are intent to injure. The latter should come with a penalty that is equivalent to the games missed by the injured player as the minimum penalty. If the player causes a career ending injury, they can appeal the suspension at the end of that season. Clearly the idea of missing 4 games and paying out 67K isn't stopping these guys from doing this shit.

That's right. Give the idiot 4 games for the first crosscheck ... which was kinda, sorta a hockey play that went over the line, and then give him a separate 10 (or whatever) for the second crosscheck, which is where he tried to put a guy in the hospital because he was angry that the ref caught the first one. There's no place in sports, let alone hockey, for that crap. It's past time this league started to act like they actually know that.

That was my joke when I heard 4 games. Okay that was for the first cross check but now lets wait to see what he gets for the second....
It's one of the difficult things about running a union -- you have members with competing interests. Good unions manage it well but there will always be help for undeserving people.
Bad situation in Calgary with Peters being accused of dropping N bombs on Aliu

He wasn't available for comment tonight

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Peters must have a disconnect with reality. Someone stable, does not act like this in a public setting.
Holy shit. How is that even possible in this era?

It's actually sad he got away with that as long as he did.