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Core 4 No More: The Motherfucking Off-Season Thread

this gets repeated all the time, and no doubt the signing was a failure. But it should also be noted that the process of adding offense to the back-end was correct, and also that Klingberg was hurt and ended up missing most of the season
I mean, Klingberg is just one example but I think it was a really bad year overall from a managerial perspective. I don’t think his additions inspire much confidence for this summer.

And yeah, his idea of adding offense was correct. When Klingberg failed why’d he pivot to another universe entirely?
The issue is it's a lot of work to do what I need to in order to only ban him from the Leaf board. So if it's that big a pain in the ass I'll just perma-ban him. Fuckit. He's not worth it on the Habs board either

Can you ban him from the Leafs board Tuesday to Sunday (allow him to post on Mondays since his work day needs some joy)
And then ban him from the Habs board everyday 24/7?
Dude. Why are you asking me to punch you in the head again? Next vacation will be a month.
Me!?!? Did I call another poster here a "miserable cunt"? Have I ever resorted to the sort of ad hominem attacks that some posters here level at me on the regular? Why is that type of ungentlemanly behavior never called out? Why is calling another poster a "miserable cunt" shrugged off but "The Leafs make me happy every spring..." grounds for supplementary discipline?

When I get called these names I never respond in kind. All of my posts follow the rules of decorum. And I only bring up this latest epithet now, to illustrate my point, not because I am genuinely offended by being called anything. I, unlike some here, apparently, have a thick skin and I don't personalize every interaction on an internet message board, which is how the thrust and parry of manly ball-busting is supposed to work. So perhaps the people who need a metaphorical punch to the head are the thin-skinned ones, not me. I've been doing my thing on this site and its predecessors since 2006 and people should, by now, no longer be getting unduly upset by anything I post. We are all just our avatars here, when all is said and done.
You guys clearly have better things to do!

I’m not sure why WeHave needs to chirp the same message every 5 mins. Maybe he thinks he needs to put in 10 000 hrs to master the perfect diss!

He must be getting close. One day he will post the perfect one liner mocking the Leafs. It will devastate everyone and we’ll never hear him on that topic again.
I actually have a theory about this.

I think that after all these years interacting with this particular group of Leafs fans, I'm beginning to actually feel genuinely sorry for them. I hate admitting it because I would prefer to enjoy the schadenfreude, but as the years go by I keep seeing that Simpson's clip where the kid says "Stop! Stop! It's already dead!"

And to that end, if anyone has bothered to take notice, the tone and tenor of my Leafs-related posts have focused less on poking fun at the delusions of the fanbase to becoming as genuinely annoyed with the craven machinations of the Leafs front office as actual Leafs fans. Stupid trades, free agent signings, and deadline pick-up's by the Leafs no longer give me much joy because now my first thought is about how the organization is continually screwing its fans with this bullshit. I can't abide stupid people like Treleving making so much money pretending to know how to run a hockey team. I genuinely feel for that small number of Leafs fans with whom I interact here.

Well, everyone except Preston with his feet worshipping alt accounts, of course. Fuck that guy. :cool:
Still not sure how I've gotten banned more than him. He genuinely ruins the experience, not because of what he says (I don't read it) but because his posts disrupt and ruin the flow of every decent conversation that is had here.

ME for mod pls
2 questions.

1. You've been banned more than me? For real? If that's true, however, it begs the next question...
2. What did you think would happen with all those alt accounts of yours?
Salient points. I suspect he's probably got Montour at the top of the list.
He's kind of awesome. I'd be very keen on that.

Thankfully his crazy off the charts season was followed by an average one, so hopefully that keeps his price down somewhat. But having a great playoffs so...
Me!?!? Did I call another poster here a "miserable cunt"? Have I ever resorted to the sort of ad hominem attacks that some posters here level at me on the regular? Why is that type of ungentlemanly behavior never called out? Why is calling another poster a "miserable cunt" shrugged off but "The Leafs make me happy every spring..." grounds for supplementary discipline?

When I get called these names I never respond in kind. All of my posts follow the rules of decorum. And I only bring up this latest epithet now, to illustrate my point, not because I am genuinely offended by being called anything. I, unlike some here, apparently, have a thick skin and I don't personalize every interaction on an internet message board, which is how the thrust and parry of manly ball-busting is supposed to work. So perhaps the people who need a metaphorical punch to the head are the thin-skinned ones, not me. I've been doing my thing on this site and its predecessors since 2006 and people should, by now, no longer be getting unduly upset by anything I post. We are all just our avatars here, when all is said and done.
Oof, this just met the qualifications of too long to read your gobbeldygook.
Me!?!? Did I call another poster here a "miserable cunt"? Have I ever resorted to the sort of ad hominem attacks that some posters here level at me on the regular? Why is that type of ungentlemanly behavior never called out? Why is calling another poster a "miserable cunt" shrugged off but "The Leafs make me happy every spring..." grounds for supplementary discipline?

When I get called these names I never respond in kind. All of my posts follow the rules of decorum. And I only bring up this latest epithet now, to illustrate my point, not because I am genuinely offended by being called anything. I, unlike some here, apparently, have a thick skin and I don't personalize every interaction on an internet message board, which is how the thrust and parry of manly ball-busting is supposed to work. So perhaps the people who need a metaphorical punch to the head are the thin-skinned ones, not me. I've been doing my thing on this site and its predecessors since 2006 and people should, by now, no longer be getting unduly upset by anything I post. We are all just our avatars here, when all is said and done.
But you are a miserable cunt. 🤷‍♂️

Smiling while driving a dagger is very cunty.

In fact I think I'll c u next Tuesday.
Still not sure how I've gotten banned more than him. He genuinely ruins the experience, not because of what he says (I don't read it) but because his posts disrupt and ruin the flow of every decent conversation that is had here.

ME for mod pls
eh most folks just ignore him now anyways