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Core 4 No More: The Motherfucking Off-Season Thread

The issue is it's a lot of work to do what I need to in order to only ban him from the Leaf board. So if it's that big a pain in the ass I'll just perma-ban him. Fuckit. He's not worth it on the Habs board either
I'm probably in the minority, but I cannot get on board with banning someone from a hockey message board because their opinions about hockey are obnoxious (and obnoxiously presented)
Klingberg was a deal that made sense as a potential cheap reclamation project but not as the big addition to the blue line making 4+ million. He was arguably the worst player in the NHL the year before, this wasn't some stud that suddenly got hurt and sucked for the leafs.

In fairness to Tre it was fairly slim pickings for d last summer though. This year he'll have no excuse if he bombs. Plenty of interesting guys out there.
I was gonna like this post and then you wrote "in fairness to Tre" and I could no longer support it.

no, no fairness. we all fucking knew Klingberg's deal was a disaster at the time, and we were all fucking right. correctly identifying a need doesn't excuse you for pissing away $4 mill of cap space to not address it.
I actually have a theory about this.

I think that after all these years interacting with this particular group of Leafs fans, I'm beginning to actually feel genuinely sorry for them. I hate admitting it because I would prefer to enjoy the schadenfreude, but as the years go by I keep seeing that Simpson's clip where the kid says "Stop! Stop! It's already dead!"

And to that end, if anyone has bothered to take notice, the tone and tenor of my Leafs-related posts have focused less on poking fun at the delusions of the fanbase to becoming as genuinely annoyed with the craven machinations of the Leafs front office as actual Leafs fans. Stupid trades, free agent signings, and deadline pick-up's by the Leafs no longer give me much joy because now my first thought is about how the organization is continually screwing its fans with this bullshit. I can't abide stupid people like Treleving making so much money pretending to know how to run a hockey team. I genuinely feel for that small number of Leafs fans with whom I interact here.

Well, everyone except Preston with his feet worshipping alt accounts, of course. Fuck that guy. :cool:
aka he really has been a Leaf fan all along. just like we've been saying. glad you're big enough to own up to it.
You want it? Like I give a shit. Seems people want to give you the hammer.

No, just seemed funny at the time (still does). I'd end up banning Deckie for his white supremacy or some shit. Nobody wants this place to be at the whim of my fucked up sense of humour.

But sure, if you want Deckie gone that badly
