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Core 4 No More: The Motherfucking Off-Season Thread

explain to me how i can discuss anything with you when within minutes in one argument you mocked me for thinking contracts can be over or underpaid, and in the next one you said contract didn't matter because it would be an overpay?
explain to me how i can discuss anything with you when within minutes in one argument you mocked me for thinking contracts can be over or underpaid, and in the next one you said contract didn't matter because it would be an overpay?
In your attempt to spin and skew, you lost yourself.

2 arguments. back to back.

One you used contracts to prove players were better.

The next you said a contract that you thought was an overpayment didn't prove a player was better.

I ain't lost.

2 arguments. back to back.

One you used contracts to prove players were better.

The next you said a contract that you thought was an overpayment didn't prove a player was better.

I ain't lost.
You are, or you’re pretending to be in order to get the town to look for you. I’m too busy, you’ll have to find your own way back.
just make a decision - do free agent contracts accurately reflect player value or can players be over or underpaid?

then stick with it.
the one where you stated that DeBrusk getting a higher UFA contract this year would mean he's the better player, of course.
So because I’m predicting the open market will like Debrusk a lot more than the other guys who are his contemporaries, I’ve created a concrete rule that applies across the board to every situation. One where I said players can’t be overpaid or underpaid. And then that means I’m somehow locked into admitting that a vet D like Roy making more as a UFA than a young RFA D means that Roy is de facto better. Is that your position?
So because I’m predicting the open market will like Debrusk a lot more than the other guys who are his contemporaries, I’ve created a concrete rule that applies across the board to every situation. One where I said players can’t be overpaid or underpaid. And then that means I’m somehow locked into admitting that a vet D like Roy making more as a UFA than a young RFA D means that Roy is de facto better. Is that your position?

Debrusk rumoured $6m contract - LoF: "see, debrusk is as good as I say and better than guys rumoured for less"

Roy rumoured $6m contract - LoF: "no he's not that good he'll be overpaid "
"lol zeke ur so dumb why is debrusk going to get more money as UFA if he's no better than Domi or Bert?"

"lol zeke ur so dumb it doesn't matter that roy is going to get more money as UFA he's no better than Lilly"

please make it make sense.
Common theme - “lol zeke ur so dumb”
Debrusk rumoured $6m contract - LoF: "see, debrusk is as good as I say and better than guys rumoured for less"

Roy rumoured $6m contract - LoF: "no he's not that good he'll be overpaid "
More like:

LOF - If Debrusk is so similar to Domi and Bertuzzi, why will much of the league chase Debrusk to give him dollars and term while Domi and Bertuzzi scrounged last year and seem poised to scrounge again this year?

Zeke - OOOOHHH, are you stupid, you're saying better players make more money than worse players????

LOF - yeah, generally, in apples to apples types of situations.

Zeke - OOOOOOHHHHH, so then how can Lilly be better than Roy if Roy makes more money?????

LOF - GENERALLY means use your brain.

Zeke - NO! You're locked into the concrete rule you established that better players are ALWAYS paid more than worse players, so Lilly can't be better than Roy!

LOF - I never established that rule and there's no solid basis to compare Roy and Lilly, and I think Lilly could be the better player as soon as this year.

Zeke - SORRY BUDDY, but this is what happens when you make concrete rules, now you're stuck!!
More like:

LOF - If Debrusk is so similar to Domi and Bertuzzi, why will much of the league chase Debrusk to give him dollars and term while Domi and Bertuzzi scrounged last year and seem poised to scrounge again this year?

Zeke - OOOOHHH, are you stupid, you're saying better players make more money than worse players????

LOF - yeah, generally, in apples to apples types of situations.

Zeke - OOOOOOHHHHH, so then how can Lilly be better than Roy if Roy makes more money?????

LOF - GENERALLY means use your brain.

Zeke - NO! You're locked into the concrete rule you established that better players are ALWAYS paid more than worse players, so Lilly can't be better than Roy!

LOF - I never established that rule and there's no solid basis to compare Roy and Lilly, and I think Lilly could be the better player as soon as this year.

Zeke - SORRY BUDDY, but this is what happens when you make concrete rules, now you're stuck!!

lmao. your Roy take didn't even have anything to do with Lilly to start. your Roy take was when other top UFA dmen were being discussed. but nice try.

like i said - LoF thinks contract proves player is better, unless LoF thinks player is overpaid, then no.
You're so fucking lost in the forest that it'll take a team of dogs to get your scent and find you stuffing your face with potato stew in some remote cabin.