So there's an AMC right beside my office here that I walk past every day (just like the Tesla store), and when it was on the verge of bankruptcy, I was like, but what the hell is the mall going to do with that space if they go? I also didn't really think they'd fall because they're the premier chain here and would be the most likely to still be standing once we were on the other side of the pandemic. I toyed with the idea of throwing $5k at it when it was basically nothing. I have a good number of these types of plays in mind here and there and I never act on them because I figure it's just going to be lost money. I have to execute on them once in a while.AMC is hysterical
From 60 to 38 back to 66 (now)
Even $1k. But you know my all or nothing style. When evaluating it, I'd be like eh, so if it goes up 10x, not exactly lifechanging and I'm just probably throwing the $1k away. For it to be more meaningful, $5k into $50k would be nice, but then I'm like but shit losing $5k like that would suck. Investing-wise, I'm just programmed to think long term, and my choices are always companies that I believe will never fail. I've never thrown money at something as a gamble when I thought there was a high risk of the company going under.
But that $5k could've been $300k!that's the plays like AMC can go 2K is the sweet spot IMO
Oh, and the best of these was back in the days of Blockbuster. I watched one location after the next shutter, and I kept looking at their stock price and thinking if I short this shit, it's basically a sure thing. But just imagine risk-averse LOF considering that 20 years ago, when I wasn't even actively investing.
That's what I meant. Imagine my taking on that kind of risk. All it took was the thought of waking up to some news release one day that said Blockbuster was being acquired by Amazon for $10 per share. Life = over.and shorting is riskier because there's no limit to your losses.....if you blow 2K on can only lose 2K
But that $5k could've been $300k!
I'm so curious what I'd do in such a situation though. Would I have just sold it at $100k?
That's what I'm saying. I'm not sure when I'd have gotten off the ride But I imagine there's a possibility I might've sold like $10k worth or whatever, something to make it a positive no matter what happened, and let the rest just ride to the most insane level that I could endure before selling it all. That's more the all or nothing approach for me, rather than just selling it all out at some way of knowing...but let's be probably sell after round 1 of the insanity at around $30
knowing your all or nothing MO, you probably don't sell half and keep the rest running
Today would've been a good day to do that.
The market is being such a cocksucker this year.
I'm close to going balls deep on spy puts. Level of conviction at ATH. Thinking February 2022. Maybe 310's. Shit is gonna get dark again.