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Kent Hughes named GM - 5 year deal

Hughes is clearly very intelligent.
Clearly AND it’s also built in bias….I’m sure he used “analytics” quite extensively to support his contract negotiations, thus has gained significant insight into meaning vs simply spitting out numbers / %s

That’s all goodness for his GM role / Habs BTW.

Analysis followed by good common sense

Stats mean squat if you don’t use them without a thorough understanding of your team

Gally may have nice stats , but players that play his style break down at 29 and that contract is an albatross

Team isn’t a Gally away from anything , so saying his chart looks good for this team is not the same as adding him to a contender that needs his grit, and can deal with the contract later if they win a cup .
They interviewed the other (younger) candidates to fill the other positions. Build a real management cadre with smart people and make sure a line of succession is put in place.
They interviewed the other (younger) candidates to fill the other positions. Build a real management cadre with smart people and make sure a line of succession is put in place.
You dont know that as none of the other interviewees have been hired to date.
They interviewed the other (younger) candidates to fill the other positions. Build a real management cadre with smart people and make sure a line of succession is put in place.
yup , Hughes may not go beyond his 5 year deal

I think Gorton will pack it in after his deal is over as well
LOL , only in Quebec would a newspaper allow such a vulgar article to be posted.

I remember once dining in a fairly upscale restaurant in Quebec City, the customers and the owner/bartender dressed formally. Then out of nowhere, the bartender is conversing with a well dressed customer, swear words in French peppering the dialogue loudly that all customers can hear it. Nobody flinches...but I am thinking to myself, no way this would be tolerated in Ontario.
I love the part where he says that simultaneous translation exists. Really, Reggie? Then why the need for a francophone GM in the first place? Last I heard simultaneous translation works both ways.

And by the way, I don't believe the word "fuck" is considered nearly as vulgar in French as it is in English.

Read about halfway down. It was not a package deal.
Fake news. The Gazette couldn't find its own ass with two hands and a flashlight. They are the laziest media outlet in the city owing to the fact that they are in competition with no one. Gorton or Hughes or Machabee or whoever says it wasn't a package deal and they just print it without examination.
You provided statements that cannot be verified. I see no "evidence" there.
I’ll give you a lesson in the law: unverified statements are evidence. The weight you want to give that evidence is up to you but it’s still evidence. The way Hughes phrased it suggests to me, and I’m far more experienced than any of you in weighing evidence, that it was not a done deal that he would be the GM concurrent with Gorton’s appointment. It’s clear that Gorton wanted him to be the GM from the get-go, and that Molson was probably fine with it, but it couldn’t have been a “package deal” if Hughes hadn’t yet accepted or decided.
I’ll give you a lesson in the law: unverified statements are evidence. The weight you want to give that evidence is up to you but it’s still evidence. The way Hughes phrased it suggests to me, and I’m far more experienced than any of you in weighing evidence, that it was not a done deal that he would be the GM concurrent with Gorton’s appointment. It’s clear that Gorton wanted him to be the GM from the get-go, and that Molson was probably fine with it, but it couldn’t have been a “package deal” if Hughes hadn’t yet accepted or decided.
An unverified statement is evidence of nothing other than the fact that someone made a statement that has yet to be verified as factual. If you choose to believe that it wasn't a package deal simply because the persons most invested in having you think that way told you so then fill your boots. But this front office and ownership group have a long, documented history of, at the least, obfuscating the truth and, at worst, outright lying to us. If Geoff Molson told me it was raining I'd first have to look out a window before I'd believe him.
I’ll give you a lesson in the law: unverified statements are evidence. The weight you want to give that evidence is up to you but it’s still evidence. The way Hughes phrased it suggests to me, and I’m far more experienced than any of you in weighing evidence, that it was not a done deal that he would be the GM concurrent with Gorton’s appointment. It’s clear that Gorton wanted him to be the GM from the get-go, and that Molson was probably fine with it, but it couldn’t have been a “package deal” if Hughes hadn’t yet accepted or decided.
Sure but this "evidence"is easily refuted by deposition. I've been sued enough to know these things. 😂