It's remarkable that pretenders of opposition to the right readily regurgiate the right wing talk points fed to them every time they run a violent right wing extremist coup in Latin America.Ah come on charlie the dude tried to do away with term limits just to keep himself in power forever.
And then in this election he wasn't on track to win, then suddenly the election authority stopped giving vote updates for an entire day, and then he magically turned out to have the required edge when they came back on.
And then millions poured into the streets, and then he resigned.
Good thing JT won.
and that's why Anyone But Conservative is reality.
It's remarkable that pretenders of opposition to the right readily regurgiate the right wing talk points fed to them every time they run a violent right wing extremist coup in Latin America.
Mike Pompeo would be proud of you.
not only outlined in the constitution, but voted on in a general referendum.Did he or did he not ignore the term limits outlined in their constitution?
Why the Corporate Media Won’t Call It a Coup
The corporate media stands united in opposition against leftists in Latin America. That’s why it refuses to state the obvious: Bolivian president Evo Morales was deposed over the weekend in a violent
Amidst the chaos, anti-indigenous race-hatred has gripped the country since Evo’s October 20 re-election. While left critics continue to rail against Evo, paradoxically blaming him for the coup that overthrew him, no evidence has emerged of election fraud. The Organization of American States cited “irregularities” without yet providing documentation. A report by the Center for Economic and Policy Research, however, found no irregularities and no fraud.
Other critics still contend that Evo’s 13-year tenure was too long. They mention Evo losing a referendum to amend constitution but failing to note the Supreme Court ruling that allowed him legally to run for another term. For our indigenous president, after five centuries of colonization, 13 years was not long enough.
and then Alberta gets piss angry when we refuse to vote for their shitty politicians.
wEsTeRn AliENaTiOn!!!
careful of we will separate with a $5 oil!!!!!!
I wonder how much of the province would tap out and move back to Canada if they actually managed to leave. Alberta would walk out with a shit ton of debt (they get to take their share with them, plus a settlement payment to Canada for federal assets in Alberta). It would be a country with a population of 4 million surrounded on all sides by land neighbours, with no ports, 2 airports worth a damn (that would have to fly over foreign soil to get to any foreign trade route) and now any pipelines that do exist in foreign countries (like the one currently going through BC) would require international trade agreements for their continued use. International currency markets would want no part of their petro dollar so that would be stuck using Canadian dollars, but no having less than zero say in monetary policy....
Alberta would pretty quickly become a 3rd world country.
but no trudeau
so that is a win
Nothing to see here