Uhh, excuse me? May I remind you that these protesters are WHITE? You don't break out the riot gear on white people. I mean, if white people are upset about something I'm sure they must have a darn good reason, don't you?Where is the tear gas though?
With the convoy morons sucking up a disproportionate amount of the oxygen in the room lately, I thought this was a nice stat to keep in mind:
No idea. Does he still have a job in media?Is Zigomanis getting a little covid crazy on the air too or just Twitter? I don’t follow any of these guys.
No idea. Does he still have a job in media?
Yeah people on my feed retweet or QUOTE TWEET some of his stuff and the guy has gone off the deep end. Versteeg, while having an extremely privileged take, seems a bit more reasonable at least. Zigomanis has lost his mind. But from the bit I knew about him while he was with the Leafs, he apparently was a complete air head and one of the stupidest people in hockey. Surprised he got a job in media.. I never actually listened to him but it couldn't have been good.Oh. Nvm. Just took a look at his Twitter. Yikes.
I’m definitely not surprised a lot of these guys have this stance though. I’m more so a little surprised no Leaf player has taken this stance publicly.
what is up with versteeg?Versteeg, Zigomanis, Shane O'Brien, Scottie Upshall... List of former NHL players going wacky growing larger by the day.