MBow30 alt account
He mostly reads Russian news outlets that trash Trudeau and Freeland regularly. I don't think he knows why he hates them; he is consistently unable to answer the question in a clear and concise manner (the few points he mentioned were that he hates Trudeau's face and in the past doesn't like that he's "taking away his guns" and called Freeland a Nazi). Plenty of good reasons to dislike JT but I think he's just lost in disorganized thoughts. I genuinely believe it's as simple as him being the victim of some hardcore brainwashing. So yeah, dp is right... There's no winning there. You can't reason with him.You might also ask him why, if mask mandates and other things controlled by the Provinces are the root cause of his unhappiness, he isn't protesting at Queens Park waving a "Fuck Ford" flag instead. Seems to me this convoy is just a thinly veiled excuse for people with Trudeau Derangement Syndrome to act out.