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New Canadian Politics Thread

I'm not so sure deckie.

I think the nutters have taken more control and are louder...there are lots of liberals in Texas but the GOP owns the place so they can keep enacting laws that make it hard for fair voting.

There is definitely a skew towards fascism...not surprising, when stupid people can't accept change they tend to get scared...I am afraid that the real problem is one side is using every tactic it can to win and the other side is still trying to fight fair.
Parliament and a bunch of other stuff canceled today as it sounds like a big tactical showdown is planned. I guess the last chance to clear things out and take control before the weekend.
if the estimates of only 250-300 actual protesters are accurate, then they should be able to get rid of the protesters in fairly short order, maintain their 'red zone' perimeter, and clear out all the damn junk. but then again maybe they ought to consult eight rocket scientists before doing a damn thing.
I'm not so sure deckie.

I think the nutters have taken more control and are louder...there are lots of liberals in Texas but the GOP owns the place so they can keep enacting laws that make it hard for fair voting.

There is definitely a skew towards fascism...not surprising, when stupid people can't accept change they tend to get scared...I am afraid that the real problem is one side is using every tactic it can to win and the other side is still trying to fight fair.
nah, I'm not really talking about the extreme right, I'm talking about the whole political spectrum in general dragging to the right, so that policies and ideologies that would have been centrist/slightly right of center in the past are now firmly left of center. I mean look at Bernie or Warren, they wouldn't be extreme lefties in Canada or most other places, but in the US they sure are.
Maybe, the states has always been crazy that way IMO, at least since the McCarthy era.

It is hilarious that Biden is leading the Dems and that the gop has to pretend he's some lefty devil.

As to some of the other stuff, like immigration...again, they've been doing this forever...it was catholics after WWII.

I do believe that with thanks to trump and some of the others, the virulent racists are now saying the quiet parts out loud and are becoming emboldened.

If the states goes full core right wing authoritian I will still maintain the minority exerted their will on the rest of them.
I doubt that much more than creating a legal hassle for the individual protesters will come of it. The main organizers and their source of funding could be another story but then all levels of government and businesses will be looking for compensation from that source.

Since I’m in that geographical area I’ll gladly take what ever portion I can. Should this lawsuit be settled in my lifetime I expect it to be not much more than the satisfaction of tying them up with legal complications and any fallout for a long long time.
It's worth whatever time and effort it takes to ruin these people's lives for good. They need to be made examples of. And even if they don't have money to pay, you have that debt hanging over them so they can't make a move without someone coming in and taking a cut. Every dollar they make is a dollar they can now pay toward their debts which, like student loans, cannot be dispensed with by declaring bankruptcy. Even if we never see a penny from these idiots we can see to it that they can never earn a living in trucking (uninsurable, not bondable due to criminal convictions) can never cross a border (so say goodbye to your Florida and Mexico vacations, traitors) and will be nickel and dimed for the rest of their miserable lives. I want the children of these wanna-be revolutionaries to grow up with the understanding that the reason they can't have nice things is because of their parents' stupidity and racism.
We’ve come full circle, BeLeafer is posting Rebel News videos

We’ve come full circle, BeLeafer is posting Rebel News videos

Of all the meltdowns we’ve seen on the board over the years, this one’s one of the saddest.

In part because I actually like the guy, and in part because it’s a reflection of a wider phenomenon in society where formerly left-wing people have over the past bunch of years somehow ended up guzzling content from sources like Fox News, Qanon, Rebel News and Russian state media.
Maybe, the states has always been crazy that way IMO, at least since the McCarthy era.

It is hilarious that Biden is leading the Dems and that the gop has to pretend he's some lefty devil.

As to some of the other stuff, like immigration...again, they've been doing this forever...it was catholics after WWII.

I do believe that with thanks to trump and some of the others, the virulent racists are now saying the quiet parts out loud and are becoming emboldened.

If the states goes full core right wing authoritian I will still maintain the minority exerted their will on the rest of them.
The US is definitely a minority rule country now, thanks to GOP gerrymandering and voter suppression, not to mention the Electoral College. Trump lost the popular vote by at least a couple of million back in 2016 but still got to be POTUS and he's not the first GOP candidate to win an election that he actually lost. For a Democrat to win it has to be a landslide. If the GOP candidate is "close enough" he gets to win.

Trump wasn't wrong to claim that the election was rigged. They all are, really. But they're rigged to favor the GOP and as a result the GOP is over-represented in both houses of Congress relative to the popular vote. If not for the way the system favors Republicans the US would have had nearly 50 years of uninterrupted Democrat rule at all three branches of government. Instead it's been practically the opposite.
So are they going to successfully get them out today? Predictions?
I know that the protesters want to provoke a physical confrontation that they'll get on film and that the Cons will be able to milk for political gain but I find that I don't really care. I just want to see some heads cracked open, if not by law enforcement then by counter-protesters.
Of all the meltdowns we’ve seen on the board over the years, this one’s one of the saddest.

In part because I actually like the guy, and in part because it’s a reflection of a wider phenomenon in society where formerly left-wing people have over the past bunch of years somehow ended up guzzling content from sources like Fox News, Qanon, Rebel News and Russian state media.
I never really liked him much personally, but at worst I thought he was pretentious. My mistake was thinking he was too intelligent to fall for the propaganda, but it turns out I underestimated how smart he THINKS he is and overestimated how smart he ACTUALLY is. He was always a perfect candidate to fall into the trap.
I never really liked him much personally, but at worst I thought he was pretentious. My mistake was thinking he was too intelligent to fall for the propaganda, but it turns out I underestimated how smart he THINKS he is and overestimated how smart he ACTUALLY is. He was always a perfect candidate to fall into the trap.
he definitely gives off, "I have a closet full of berets" vibes