I feel sad for missing and murdered indegeneous women.
The commissioners could have come up with concrete, achievable common sense recommendations on how to reduce violence, keep them safe, out of the sex trade, better police response to when they go missing, yearly progress reports, etc, and it would have gone over pretty well, everyone could have gotten on board.
Instead they throw the genocide word out there, talk about reopening the constitution, and attack Canadian society at large, to the point where this report is going to be viewed as toxic and buried.
So many of the recommendations are obvious non starters, and once you start taking the axe to many of the obvious non starters, it won't take long for the rest to follow.
A real shame. The real losers here are the women and girls who deserved the full attention of this report, to change the way things are run. Instead canadians will argue about whether they committed genocide for a few weeks, then move right the **** on.
Well stated.
I have witnessed this violence against indigeonous women and girls first hand.
The system is broken.
The unfortunate part is that we are trusting the Mechanisms of this problem, to fix it.
The only ones who can fix it are us.
Many of us have no problem stepping upon one another to further our abilities to live in a greater comfort.
But how much is enough?
Prejudice, sexism is a learned behaviour. Whether it is a behaviour that stems from our families and communities, or from everyday interactions, it needs to be eradicated.
I am not a psychologist, but it doesnt take someone with a PHD. to know that no one, no one should ever have to pay for their love with their bones and their flesh.
There is so much sexism, racism and racist attitudes on both sides, from the general population to the rez's I have lived on .
Being called "sheganosh" is akin to being called a n_ _ _ _. And its usage is commonplace on many many reserves.
So the idea that natives are without a part in this problem is pure fallacy.
Living in isolated pockets, alcoholism is an accepted behaviour, assault is an acceptable behaviour, women as second class citizens is an accepted behaviour.
I look white, but my family lineage is of the mohican background from Massachusetts, and I was often called the white devil or "shegonash".
I was recently told, by a wise elder of a community that it is always in the politicians best interest to create a division within a society.
He spoke that there is no other human being on this earth that is assaulted or murdered more than males of all races.
The difference is that men are suppose to be strong and able to stick up for themselves, which very few really can. The women he said, are suppose to be treated like a flower. Delicate and beautiful. To be valued.
The problem he said, "is that we are all beautiful and special, and until men learn to love themselves, and treat everyone with respect and kindness, we are bound to continue this downwards
As I mentioned earlier, I agree that there is a problem. But this problem has many fronts, and I have no idea how to repair the damage that has been done by so many on both sides except to be the best person I can be, and helping those who cant or wont help themselves.
Question, how many of us wouldn't try to help someone who is in dire needs ..... if a woman is getting attacked/assaulted, would you just walk away and justify by thinking she probably deserved it? Or that it isnt my business? Or it is a family matter?
Or would you be that person of character who would step up and be counted?
The government has fostered the handout solutions that we now see and incorporate to appease our own conscience.
But I think (once again I have no credentials for this), violence begets violence, and if we are all truly interested in making this a better world, we all need to reach out and help those who cant or wont help themselves.
To steal a quote .... the native lifestyle was doomed once we made land from Europe. How it was done was unconscienable.
God bless the families of the victims of all missing people.
As my dad once told me, if you hit a woman or girl, you are a piece of shit and a bully. And I agree!
Jmho ....