I'm pretty sure our order would come from Lockheed's plant in Texas, so no.
There's two mechanisms the US could use to "control" our use of the planes. Replacement parts, but as mentioned that is relatively easy to work around. There's a few other countries manufacturing airframes, and the US has no ability to block the sale of replacement parts. The other is the avionics firmware. The US has access to a disabling feature which would shut off the avionics, which makes the plane a 400 million dollar stealth brick. But if you rip the avionics suite out and replace it with your own (or I suppose, license the one the Israeli's have built...but fuck it, if they can do it, so can we) and then that weakness is also gone.
Like I said, no good choices. Skip the F35 and fly old airframes for another generation (even sourcing them is a challenge now), pick a plane that doesn't fully suit our needs (we really only have the financial ability to run one fighter air frame) until we can either procure or get in on the development of a 6th gen, pick the EF and pay more for less plane....or go forward with the F35 purchase and either hope the US never decides to brick our planes, or spend billions more developing and building out our own custom avionics.