Well-known member
i wonder what happens to edmonton if their PP isn't historic again this year.
Vegas>>Even if it was just normal really good, that's 25 fewer goals compared to last year.
If that happens at the same time Skinner turns into a Pumpkin, they're probably a 97ish point team.
lafferty with the sweet assist on goal #8 !!
they sure better hope 33yr Ekhom's lingering core muscle injury is no biggie.
Not a banner night for Sportsnet’s Cup favourites, I see.
My family and I will be at the Boston game!Got my tickets for this year and I'll be going to the Sat vs Minnesota game. Sat Nov 4 vs Buffalo, Sat Nov 11 vs Vancouver, and Sat Dec 2 vs Boston. I got 8 more games throughout the season different dates so I may sell some off, and or take some days off to enjoy.
Dec 27 vs Ottawa and April 1 vs florida are two I may keep. I also have New Jersey .
Connor mcRobot says hiFun story, Tavares went to a Nickleback concert this summer and apparently loved it.
I don't know if a more bland human being exists.