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OT: American Politics

people spend more time indoors than they used to even when they travel!

I really do think you have it backwards - behaviorally speaking (and environmentally, given the increase in ozone layer) we should have less skin cancer.
But again, it doesn't tell us which behaviours specifically are causing the increase in rates; you can't say people are spending more time indoors, so thus the sun cures melanoma. That's not how it works. What about the distribution of people's behaviors? Is every single person spending 1-2 hours fewer outside in the sun than they used to? Or is there a segment of the population driving it down (i.e. incels, and what are their rates of melanoma btw compared to an instagram model that spends every day tanning by the pool?), with the majority of the population still getting as much outdoor time as ever? Has beach or tanning time decreased? Is there evidence of this? We know tanning bed use is a big driver. But what else? Hard to say. I don't know for sure, and neither do you.
poor Presty

paid 3K for his wife to accompany him to Japan so she could stock up on sunscreen that goes for $18/bottle on amazon
Yeah I can't believe how badly I got scammed. It was like 500 yen a pop in Japan though so we saved... Well fuck we didn't save that much at all.

It's okay my knife was a deal at least.
not really arguable to me. we can literally see the skin damage on people who have years in the sun with no sunscreen. it's right in front of us.

i've had many occasions where i'm having an awesome as fuck day and forget to apply and get burned to shit so i'm not gonna get all high and mighty about people who forget but it's obvious to me i should be.
George Hamilton looks tanned, rested and ready at 84.


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But again, it doesn't tell us which behaviours specifically are causing the increase in rates; you can't say people are spending more time indoors, so thus the sun cures melanoma. That's not how it works. What about the distribution of people's behaviors? Is every single person spending 1-2 hours fewer outside in the sun than they used to? Or is there a segment of the population driving it down (i.e. incels, and what are their rates of melanoma btw compared to an instagram model that spends every day tanning by the pool?), with the majority of the population still getting as much outdoor time as ever? Has beach or tanning time decreased? Is there evidence of this? We know tanning bed use is a big driver. But what else? Hard to say. I don't know for sure, and neither do you.

I mean the general behavior responsible, according to all the skin cancer professionals, is "time in the sun without sunscreen".
lol, my scottish ancestors and I tell you and your melanin to go fuck yourself.

I feel bad for you poor pasty fucks.

I mean the general behavior responsible, according to all the skin cancer professionals, is "time in the sun without sunscreen".
Not exactly based on what I've seen! It's like a vaccine. If you spend every day with someone who is positive for measles, but are vaxxed, you're likely gonna be safe but for a segment of folks you are going to catch measles. And you're still gonna be more likely to catch measles than an unvaxxed person who lives alone in a closet.

The best way to avoid skin cancer is to avoid the sun entirely and live like Nosferatu. But then you're compromising a bunch of other health benefits that the sun provides. It's just about balance and moderation, like everything.
I'm of the opinion that anyone who spends any more time than they absolutely have to in direct sunlight is a fool. Cold weather is an exception.

I love nice sunny weather... when I'm in the shade.

Yeah, I'm an old pasty wrinkly fuck.
Whenever I attend an outdoor sporting event during the summer I always try to buy seats on the shady side of the field or ones under a roof overhang. Sunscreen or no sunscreen, I have no interest in sweating my balls off in full sun for a 3 hour baseball game.
I feel bad for you poor pasty fucks.


It's been linked in the UK to the current olds being the first generation from the island with access to cheap travel away from their cloudy, pasty white paradise and those olds not knowing how to protect themselves from the sun.

A 60 yr old Brit born in 1910 might have only seen 10-15 minutes of direct sunlight in their entire lifetime by 1970.