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OT: American Politics

So just finished with the cops. Not confirming or denying but I may have been involved in an incident after the most horrible dining experience of my life. Habsy might need to go back on weed as his old ass took on two 20 somethings in a fight.

I won. They called the cops. Pussies.

Hint: Trumped geared out rednecks
This was at lunch?

Jesus. How much damage?
So here is the story…

My daughter and I met friends for brunch. We went to an upper moderately priced restaurant that is usually pretty decent. We ordered the food and it came out in pretty fast time however my and my daughter’s orders were completely wrong. So The server comes back and instead of taking all the plates back, she only takes mine and my daughters. This led me to believe they would refire our order quickly. Well, 10 minutes went by so happy Habsy is getting irritated, we were all hungry.

Now even though I asked my friends to go ahead and eat they refused, I just don’t want to watch someone eat, finish, then they watch you eat. Remember, I know restaurants and proper service and I’m a hard ass on quality, you’re paying for it.

This is where it gets interesting, I ask for the manager, he comes out and I simply point to our table and ask what is wrong with this picture. He doesn’t say a word until I tell him I expect a response. Didn’t give a shit. Yeah, way to turn up the deserve to get Habsy’s wrath meter.

It turns out the server didn’t put it in as a refire but as a new order. 35 additional minutes we’re still not eating.

Where do the idiots come in? Well the server was a C U Next Tuesday. Rude, obnoxious etc. So I said if you want rude I'll show you rude you amateur.

That's when the hero trumpers came in. Turns out one is the bf. So now I'm irritated and the regulars here know how volatile I can get (well allegedly anyway) so I start tearing Trump a new asshole quite loudly. They naturally regurgitated talking points back at me calling me a tree hugger and a fucking liberal Democrat. Yeah Habsy. My friends were actually laughing at that one.

So I finally had enough when the food came out and told them to pack it up and the fuck I'm paying for it. Then Mr. Big Man buck tooth redneck fuck manager finishes sucking Donny's tiny penis through a fucking stir straw and then says we can't take the food and have to pay for our drinks. So for less than $20 he decided to lose a returning customer. "Awesome! Sounds like Trumpanomics" I said. Then asked if he gets his welfare checks on time from the nasty democrats.

Oh I should mention I'm not in Boca, this occurred in Northern Florida, Trump country, so all of a sudden everyone is paying attention and I'm getting stares.

By now the two bone smoking morons finished their Trump circle jerk and turned their attention to me. The BF stands up and stands right beside me. So I see that the girls are getting upset and nervous so I decided I said my piece and the vent felt good so fuck it, let’s go.

We exit the restaurant and the two follow us out (cops saw video and heard audio and told them that was a mistake because now I have a legitimate right to defend myself and my family). At this point my kid loses it on them. She is dressing them down verbally and the looks on their faces of wonderment that a teen girl is viciously ripping them was priceless. The looks were so dumb that we all started laughing in their faces. My girl said "you two are too fucking stupid to even know when you're being insulted. Do you need help googling what I just said"?

That's when they just got Trump dumb and threw expletives like water. So my girl walked right up to both of them about a foot away and said one word to them both... "Scum" and spit at their feet. That's when one reached out and touched her. Put the punk down with one shot then turned to the other who swung at me but I was able to move so it was just a graze.

Fast forward. One kid with a jaw that may need attention and another pretty bloodied.

I didn't leave because I knew someone called the cops. Had to be. So I waited. Few minutes later 3 cruisers arrive. I'll FF now because it was basically he said she said stuff. Then the cameras were checked etc.

So in the end they ask all of us if we want to press chargers, I said no I'm good. He looked at them and they said no also. However, the bf said "I'll be looking for you" and I said "is that a threat?" The cops informed him that he can't threaten people like that, then he backs down and said he was kidding.

FF again to us leaving. The cops had us leave first and detained them 15 minutes. They didn't want any other incidents. So I thanked the police for their time, apologized to them that they had to come out and looked at the bf and said in very crisp and clear speech "If you come at me you better be packing".

Pussy #2 cries out "he's threatening us". Cop said no he isn't, daughter says look up the word "if" morons.

I said, liberal cuck democrats own guns too

We left
I said, liberal cuck democrats own guns too


Brunch is the worst! You invariably are starving and hangry by the time you get seated… just for the privilege to drop $30 for two eggs.

And the hungover staff hates being there too. As my chef buddies say “you can’t rest an egg”
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