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OT: American Politics

So just finished with the cops. Not confirming or denying but I may have been involved in an incident after the most horrible dining experience of my life. Habsy might need to go back on weed as his old ass took on two 20 somethings in a fight.

I won. They called the cops. Pussies.

Hint: Trumped geared out rednecks
So just finished with the cops. Not confirming or denying but I may have been involved in an incident after the most horrible dining experience of my life. Habsy might need to go back on weed as his old ass took on two 20 somethings in a fight.

I won. They called the cops. Pussies.

Hint: Trumped geared out rednecks
This sounds like a 2 am waffle house adventure
So just finished with the cops. Not confirming or denying but I may have been involved in an incident after the most horrible dining experience of my life. Habsy might need to go back on weed as his old ass took on two 20 somethings in a fight.

I won. They called the cops. Pussies.

Hint: Trumped geared out rednecks

That shit would go so fucking viral. Pleae have video.
"Trumpie Snowflakes cry to the cops after challenging ex-conservative retiree to a fight!!!"
They called me a cuck for believing Trump is dirty then one of them laid hands on my daughter's shoulder. I fucking rocked his world. Cold cocked him immediately so the fight was really one on one. I don't feel pain. I rage blackout out. I can be bloody and broken and not feel a thing until later.
I recently took off the restrictor (plastic thingy) from my kitchen faucet. Life changed. Trump finally gets something right!!