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OT: American Politics

I mean they had the primaries (I know they technically don't have to, but they did) and the American people voted for Biden and in doing so they voted for Kamala if Biden drops out or resigns. So I personally don't see how they bypass that and select someone else without a vote.

Also anecdotes aside, yes it's very obvious that she is not well liked. Though that doesn't matter in California at all. It absolutely does matter elsewhere though and yeah I can see why it's not an easy decision for them to just cut Joe out. He may still be their best chance since realistically Kamala is the other choice.
I mean, I personally don't believe the VP choice is something front of mind with respect to whether the voters actually want the person to step in for the President. I think they vote with the idea in mind that the VP is the VP and will remain that way for 4 years. Nothing has happened to require a VP to step in since Kennedy was killed, so I think not having had to experience that situation in 60+ years makes the concern a relative non-issue for most voters.

I don't know the rules when it comes to whether they can just select someone else, but I'd think that they could. This isn't a situation where Biden is resigning mid term. He'd just be dropping out of an election and finishing his term. I'd be surprised if there is any formal requirement to go with his VP choice from 4 years ago in a brand new election.
I have my own issues with wokeness.. namely just one thing. I think comedy is worse off. But it doesn't really impact me or my quality of life at all. I'm always interested to know how it impacts others. Not to judge them, but to understand where they're coming from. Still haven't gotten a great answer but maybe lof can woo me. ;)
And yeah, I agree, it should have no place in comedy.
I mean, I personally don't believe the VP choice is something front of mind with respect to whether the voters actually want the person to step in for the President. I think they vote with the idea in mind that the VP is the VP and will remain that way for 4 years. Nothing has happened to require a VP to step in since Kennedy was killed, so I think not having had to experience that situation in 60+ years makes the concern a relative non-issue for most voters.

I don't know the rules when it comes to whether they can just select someone else, but I'd think that they could. This isn't a situation where Biden is resigning mid term. He'd just be dropping out of an election and finishing his term. I'd be surprised if there is any formal requirement to go with his VP choice from 4 years ago in a brand new election.
No requirement for even having a primary but they did that and whether voters are mindful that Kamala could take over or not is irrelevant, that's what they voted for. For me it's doubtful they step outside of the infrastructure in place but we shall see! (Maybe)

Why would I care about this?

Not being on board with extreme wokeness doesn't mean someone is anti-gay or racist.

But take some other pride event the other day here in SoCal (can't recall where) in a public area with children around - guys were walking around fully naked, kids everywhere, no enforcement of any sort of public indecency acts around minors. That's wokeness gone too far. Be gay, live your life, have your fun, but have a fucking brain when it comes to your conduct in public.
No requirement for even having a primary but they did that and whether voters are mindful that Kamala could take over or not is irrelevant, that's what they voted for. For me it's doubtful they step outside of the infrastructure in place but we shall see! (Maybe)
The calls for Biden to go are seemingly increasing. If I had to bet, I think they force him to drop out.

Truthfully, I thought he was going to die during his term (still has time, I guess). I'm almost positive he's going to be dead or in some form of incapacitated or immobile state within a year or two. And his situation has become glaringly obvious to many now, so I think the heavy hitters in the Dem party are going to find a way to have him step down. Probably not for a bit yet, but I think it's coming soon.
I said out of control, extreme wokeness.

My friends who have little kids in kindergarten are struggling with teachers filling their heads with the idea that they don't have to go with their gender, and can choose to be whatever they want, boy or girl. This sort of stuff is being preached to 3 and 4 years olds, and is exceptionally confusing for them, don't think they're prepared to handle this kind of thought process at that age. If it were my kids that were in this kind of situation (all the more reason, as if more reason was needed, to go private school and shelter them), I'd have a major problem with that shit, as my friends do.

This moron DA Gascon with his insane philosophies and policies on crime, trying to get rid of bail, letting criminals right back on the streets without any regard for public safety. Not believing in the basics of crime and punishment, and letting his experiment run loose in the city. West Hollywood has generally been the hot place to be at night ever since I got here. Most younger girls live there. Lots of restaurants and bars. But now also the most dangerous place to be at night in LA, imo. Car jackings, theft and assault in the streets, guys following girls home or to their cars, etc. I really just avoid it now, because it's not worth the risk. I wouldn't want to park on the street there, walk a block or two - at night, no thanks. This DA is the definition of liberalism gone too far, and its impact on the city is widely felt.

The gender thing is a complete fucking lie. No teacher has ever wanted to touch that subject or deal with parents.

Can't even teach consent but teachers can talk about gender identity? Fucking clown shoes
The gender thing is a complete fucking lie. No teacher has ever wanted to touch that subject or deal with parents.

Can't even teach consent but teachers can talk about gender identity? Fucking clown shoes
You're saying I'm lying about something that my friends are actually experiencing in real life with their kids' schools?

To be clear, it's not sanctioned or part of the fucking curriculum, but they're doing it.
Wife is a teacher and I've sat through countless conversations about how they can't even discipline shitty kids, let alone influence them at all.

Nobody is turning your kid gay or Trans. Fuck off with the bullshit
Wife is a teacher and I've sat through countless conversations about how they can't even discipline shitty kids, let alone influence them at all.

Nobody is turning your kid gay or Trans. Fuck off with the bullshit
You're a level of stupid that I wasn't aware existed.

It's not part of the school program, but it's something that is going on in the schools regardless.

Just like how teachers aren't actually supposed to fuck students as part of the curriculum and yet every few months there's one that gets arrested for doing just that? I guess those are fucking lies too.
Hey everyone it's that time of year where lof participates in the US politics thread and the story ends with him taking a 3 week break from forumice!
Yeah, it might be headed there. But I'm not feeling particularly incensed, so maybe I don't get my annual few week vacation that I cherish so much.
You're a level of stupid that I wasn't aware existed.

It's not part of the school program, but it's something that is going on in the schools regardless.

Just like how teachers aren't actually supposed to fuck students as part of the curriculum and yet every few months there's one that gets arrested for doing just that? I guess those are fucking lies too.
So an issue that has been around for decades still exists and is dealt with swiftly and harshly??? Good thing the Republicans are not running a candidate who loves raping children.

Acceptance is part of modern society and if your friends can't deal with that then they need to look in the mirror. Nobody is turning kids gay or Trans, nobody. Fuck your traditional values
So an issue that has been around for decades still exists and is dealt with swiftly and harshly??? Good thing the Republicans are not running a candidate who loves raping children.

Acceptance is part of modern society and if your friends can't deal with that then they need to look in the mirror. Nobody is turning kids gay or Trans, nobody. Fuck your traditional values
It's not about turning a kid gay or trans. It's about having conversations with kids about things they can't process at that age, taking the matter out of the hands of parents and having some idiot teacher run with it instead. Stick to the curriculum, stay in your lane.

And I love my traditional values. Wouldn't trade them for anything.

For the record, I have no idea what the hell this guy was talking about in his first sentence. Ravings of a madman.
It's not about turning a kid gay or trans. It's about having conversations with kids about things they can't process at that age, taking the matter out of the hands of parents and having some idiot teacher run with it instead. Stick to the curriculum, stay in your lane.

And I love my traditional values. Wouldn't trade them for anything.
Here is the thing your friends don't realize... teachers don't give a fuck about your kids anymore. Mainly because the parents have beaten the caring out of them. If a kid comes with a problem a teacher will probably help but all most teacher want is to go home so they can work the 2nd job they have to earn a living.