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OT: American Politics

nah he stay
Sure looks like it! Have to say though, his cognitive decline from just 4 years ago is striking. I'm not saying it should be a bigger story than trump being a lying maniac but goodness gracious it's sad to see the state he is in. And I understand the concerns.
Well one looked much worse head to head unfortunately.

And hey Rs might be stuck in a cult of personality worshipping Trump no matter what policies he implements, but Ds have never been voting Biden because they love Biden that much, only because of the policies he represents.
They're really eating their own here because they're pussies, IMO.

The other side would never, in the face of much, much, much worse.

The left has become increasingly more fractured because it’s graded on a scale with lots of nuance. I’m pretty left of centre but I l know a lot of people who don’t think I’m left enough so thus not part of their team….. whereas on the right if I believed in even one of their core issues, they’d be like “hell yeah!!!” and welcome me with open arms.

The right simply wants to win elections.

Meanwhile I know lefties in the US who stopped voting after Hillary beat their guy Sanders.
Well one looked much worse head to head unfortunately.

And hey Rs might be stuck in a cult of personality worshipping Trump no matter what policies he implements, but Ds have never been voting Biden because they love Biden that much, only because of the policies he represents.
I know? I've never implied anything other than this.
I don't really get the "Biden should step down because polls" and then saying Kamala, Whitmer, Newsome etc. They've pretty much all done more poorly than him in polling along the way. That's how we got here in the first place really.

Thats really the problem. No other Dem candidate has any momentum. They put Kamala and Mayor Pete in high visibility spots and, for whatever reason, they never gained anything from it. If anything they lost PR.

They had to start pumping candidates up 4 years ago knowing this was likely.
And yeah, Trumps cognitive decline was also way overblown by the media. He’s still quick, and has energy and personality, which makes Biden look even worse side by side because they’re almost the same age, and Biden seems way older.
Sure looks like it! Have to say though, his cognitive decline from just 4 years ago is striking. I'm not saying it should be a bigger story than trump being a lying maniac but goodness gracious it's sad to see the state he is in. And I understand the concerns.
it's a problem because it is noticeable, I'll give you that. but not nearly as noticeable as the amount of press coverage and hooplah surrounding it.

this is not a new thing either - folks have been beating this drum loudly for the past four years.
Thing is, Trump also has a striking cognitive decline from 4 years ago, in addition to being a lying maniac talking openly about destroying democracy.

Like even more so than Biden even.

Sharks and boats? Civil war airports? Man, person, camera, TV? We could go on and on.
yeah just literally watch any of his speeches this year, uninterrupted. dude is barely coherent.
Trump just talks shit for like 2 hours, so of course he says things that don’t make sense. He’s clearly with it though.

Like he destroyed Biden with quick comebacks in the debate. And in fairness to Biden he could play that game too 4 years ago. But not anymore.
He was the only one that completely annihilated trump four years ago, yeah. He was quick, funny, and absolutely emasculated him.

It's striking how much things changed. Americans are simply not voting for the same person as they did four years ago.