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OT: American Politics

oh right, you think the US is at war! but you haven't said with whom - still waiting for an answer on that.

what's wrong with Russia? well, their campaign to occupy Ukraine and replace its democratic government with its own, for one. it's constant interference and meddling in American, and other democracy, for two. the constant stream of propaganda and bots undermining democratic institutions and norms, for three.

that's just the short list, off the top of my head!
No, it's not. If you've actually heard Putin speak he's laid out plenty of times the historical factors at play and what they have an issue with and what they hope to achieve.
IMO, Trump has tapped into their helpless loser victim mentality. “I got passed over for that opportunity because of… illegal immigrants”… “I can’t get ahead, that’s… someone else’s fault”… “I’m being demonized”… if you’re lazy and less successful than you think you deserve to be, Trumpism gives you an out.

His constant whining and victimhood speaks directly to a vulnerable part of his followers.
Then all the crazy ranting about shark batteries and Hannibal Lecter and washing machines can be chalked up to Trump being Trump or Trump owning the Libs.

It’s shocking that it has worked on this many people.
I understand cults.

Watched my parents turn into jesus-zombies, and just like a good gateway drug, this helped my father fall right down the rabbit hole to the point he had to move to Alberta lol, to escape, um...Trudeau? IDK....

So yes, maga is a cult, that's why it's so dangerous. They have to be deprogrammed before they can even grasp what truth is anymore.
I always get a kick out of the Christianity hating when it's quite literally the basis for every virtuous aim of left politics.
No, it's not. If you've actually heard Putin speak he's laid out plenty of times the historical factors at play and what they have an issue with and what they hope to achieve.
can you please direct me to these comments to which you refer?

I am only familiar with Putin calling Ukrainians nazis and saying they need to be exterminated, ethnically cleansed, etc. he has repeated similar comments many times.

and again, you claimed America is at war - with whom? when did it start?
can you please direct me to these comments to which you refer?

I am only familiar with Putin calling Ukrainians nazis and saying they need to be exterminated, ethnically cleansed, etc. he has repeated similar comments many times.
Woof you missed an extremely interesting history lesson on the culture and people of Ukraine.

Here's an article I found quickly. Didn't feel like looking for the speeches I watched:
can you please direct me to these comments to which you refer?

I am only familiar with Putin calling Ukrainians nazis and saying they need to be exterminated, ethnically cleansed, etc. he has repeated similar comments many times.

and again, you claimed America is at war - with whom? when did it start?
It goes something like this...Ukraine used to be part of Russia therefore it's there's, they're entitled to it...plus big mean NATO expansion they need a buffer because NATO is soooo mean
It goes something like this...Ukraine used to be part of Russia therefore it's there's, they're entitled to it...plus big mean NATO expansion they need a buffer because NATO is soooo mean
And if Russia put missiles in mexico pointed at us the US would just be cool with it too, right?
Oh fuck I get it he's one of those alt accounts? Best one yet holy shit. Really had me. Well played Presto.
I'm flattered that you think I'm capable of this. But he is way too talented for my tiny brain.I'm not even capable of the foot guy (fuck you mbow).