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OT: American Politics

just in case you're unsure, what these two jokers are talking about is not ballots, but ballot images, which are used to compare ballot signatures when the scanner is unsure.

But the actual ballots were all counted, multiple times.

"In Fulton County, specifically, the initial tabulation reported 524,659 votes cast in the presidential contest, including 137,240 votes for Donald Trump and 381,144 votes for Joe Biden.

The risk-limiting audit, conducted by hand, found that 525,293 votes were cast in Fulton County for the presidential election, including 137,620 votes for Trump and 381,179 votes for Biden.

Finally, the machine recount, requested by Trump, reported 523,779 votes cast for president in Fulton County. Trump received 137,247 of those votes, a net gain of seven votes; and Biden received 380,212 of the votes, a net loss of 932 votes."

note that it's a Biden landslide in Fulton county by 245K votes in all 3 counts.

yeah but what are your qualifications here exactly? how many voyeurism charges do you have?
Polymarket still giving Biden a 60% chance of dropping out. Not discounting the possibility but that seems crazy high to me. Is this the easiest money you can make ever? I bet that sick fuck gordo put money on it. I would have nibbled if they allowed betting on that site in Canada.

Why do you believe such easily disproveable lies?


- The board voted on this, it was not done unilaterally by the chair
- The Fulton County BRE sends this decision to the state board of elections for approval, there's no super emergency meeting necessary.
- The fucking state is the one who requested they have an independent monitor.
- The board had approved monitors for the 2020 election as well because Fulton County has a history of poorly run elections...but not the way you're thinking, poorly run like this:


That's a screen grab from a story prior to the 2016 election....remember the one Donnie won? So the AJC is referencing Fulton County being a shitty clown show for the 2012 and 2008 elections there as well, and makes mention of a federal poll monitor!!!!

So let me explain how this is going to go in the batshit insane echochamber you're getting your information from. This totally normal thing that Fulton County did (at the request of the state, because Fulton County has long been a clown show at running elections) has been referred to the state for approval. The wingnuts you're quoting are going to screech about it as if it's some secret illuminati plot to rig the election. The state board (who requested for Fulton County to do the thing) are either going to refer it back to Fulton County for amendments if something doesn't meet state guidelines/regs or approve it. Totally normal, boring, how government actually works stuff. If the state refers it back your information heroes will proclaim that a trans/zionist/liberal plot has been foiled by the super brave protectors of democracy on the state board. If it's approved though, the state board is now part of the trans/zionist/liberal plot and more screeching will occur.

Choose your information diet wisely.