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OT: American Politics

I'd say we're solidly middle to upper middle class. It would be pretty silly for her to have all of our student loan debt and not work, but we enjoy living comfortably. Her knew job is low stress so she is happy to work while being very near our daughter all day.

can't provide for your family. which you tell us is the only way for a man to be fulfilled. seems like you're a failure as a conservative and a man by your own standards, not mine!

or maybe both you and your wife are fulfilled by both providing for your family and raising your kids? crazy but maybe yes?

Do you have friends IRL? The more you post the more I question how anyone can be around you.

oh no i was too mean.
and yet you want kids to be raised by abusive fathers for some reason. weird.
Never said that. Said people were quick to label conflict "abusive". I denounced physical abuse and said emotional abuse is subjective and overused to get a definitive opinion on. Some would just call it arguing or disagreements. Others would say their partner needs therapy and it's toxic.
Oh yes, no one seems great and gets abusive after getting married before. It's definitely always the woman's fault for choosing poorly. Sure, sure.
You're talking like only men can abuse.

But this is the purpose of a strong family and support group - to detect red flags if the person themselves cannot see them.
Never said that. Said people were quick to label conflict "abusive". I denounced physical abuse and said emotional abuse is subjective and overused to get a definitive opinion on. Some would just call it arguing or disagreements. Others would say their partner needs therapy and it's toxic.

Vance was literally talking about physical abuse.
can't provide for your family. which you tell us is the only way for a man to be fulfilled. seems like you're a failure as a conservative and a man by your own standards, not mine!

or maybe both you and your wife are fulfilled by both providing for your family and raising your kids? crazy but maybe yes?

oh no i was too mean.
I can provide. I didn't specify 100% alone. Which I could also do if we lowered our standard of living. But we prefer to live more comfortably.

Funny how the people who worship at the alter of science don't recognize biological differences.

I can take your bs because I don't take people like you seriously. You live a sad life to be filled with such vitriol. You deserve my sympathy more than anything.
I can provide. I didn't specify 100% alone
Which I could also do if we lowered our standard of living. But we prefer to live more comfortably.

so you can provide....as long as you get some help, or live in poverty. got it.

it almost seems like you think you and your wife both live more fulfilling lives by not being slaves to biological stereotypes? whoa that's crazy.

Funny how the people who worship at the alter of science don't recognize biological differences.

I can take your bs because I don't take people like you seriously. You live a sad life to be filled with such vitriol. You deserve my sympathy more than anything.

Whoa wait a sec - you're the one whose family is mixing biologically fulfilling roles and violating the sanctity of our biological differences! why are you mad at me?
The data supports his point. And I believe if you asked him to clarify "violent" I think he most likely meant emotionally and not physically, since that continues the tone of the rest of the message.
so, I'm gonna respond to you like you respond to other posters.

OMG, I cannot believe you support men who beat their wives!
If trump actually gets zero bump in the polls post-assassination that would be pretty funny tbh.

Trump is so toxic, by now his base is his base and it can’t grow. That’s why talk about conceding the election is so pre-mature and gloomy by some of the worry warts in the dem party
Nahh. I remember being convinced of this in the early days of MAGA, but the sad reality is that there are a ton of people who legitimately believe this shit.

That abortion should be completely illegal in all circumstances. That divorce should be illegal in all circumstances. That contraceptives and birth control should be illegal in all circumstances. That public secular education should be abolished. Etc.

All of the most looney-tunes shit that seemed completely far-fetched just a few years ago is stuff these Christofascists believe in imposing on the rest of society and are actively working towards making a reality.
and sadly, Vance is best equipped of all the veep contenders to make this dystopian vision into a reality
Of all the people he could’ve picked, I can’t understand why he’d go with someone who’s been so vocally negative about him. Every one of these clips will be blasted nonstop until November.
being willing to humiliate yourself for trump is viewed as a positive trait by trump. JD is a super cuck veep pick, just the way he likes it.