There's a saying, can't quite put my finger on it...somethng about "first they came for my neighbors, but it wasn't me"....A huge percentage of undocumenteds live with family that are US citizens.
Unity for some citizens.
Oh, I don't expect you to do it. I'm just saying that you need to.
You'd go from this:
To this:
and you'd love it.
There's a saying, can't quite put my finger on it...somethng about "first they came for my neighbors, but it wasn't me"....
How does that go?
Anybody given much thought to the rest of it?Someone in my family has exactly this issue here. It's crazy sad that they can't just create a fucking path for law abiding, contributing members of society. And if not for everyone, then at minimum for the ones whose whole families are with them and who'd have to move somewhere alone if they can't stay.
Yeah, don't forget that the first guy up there got all the girls, and was going to lose his hot latina wife as he spiraled back into his gangster persona.
I'll tell you how.If you look at where it could go. First it's the undocumented....but how the fuck do you mass deport them? Do you start harassing people on the street who "look" like they're illegal (latin...) and demand to see their papers like the old soviet russian jokes? Like, what's the fucking logistics here?
Then, they'll go after the children born in the US (which makes them naturalized citizens immediately), but parented by undocumented immigrants (the famous "anchor babies"). Trump has continuously claimed them to not be American citizens in the past.
That's the problem with purging classes of people from your society. When you've claimed them to be the reason for your societies problems, and you get rid of them....but the problems are now worse, you can't stop purging now, right?
Yeah, that's when he got Eva, but he was also picking up chicks left and right throughout the movie, including that hot ex-girlfriend in the vid.He got the hot latina wife while he was a gangster in that movie. She rehabbed him.
But...I didn't suggest you turn into Gator, you're not cool enough for that. The Farrell photo on the bottom is from the movie where he's learning how to be tough before he goes to jail with Kevin Hart, not the cop movie with Wahlberg.
I'll tell you how.
You come out with something called a Real ID, which requires you to basically show your justification for being in the country in order to get the CA driver's license with a little logo in the corner that says you're legal. This allows you to fly from state to state without a US passport. Currently, you can fly with just the driver's license, but soon (or maybe it's in effect already), you need the special Real ID to do that, otherwise you're stuck in the state without the ability to move around other than within state lines. Soon they'll know that anyone with the regular DL and not the Real ID has to be an illegal, and they'll have their address at their fingertips on the DL and can go round them up if they want to.
How about tourism? Big desire to visit the states?
That's the guy you want to be. Not the one who settled down with a prostitute while he was a pimp, but the guy who has the ability to pick up any girl he wants at any time.
There goes ME posting pics from his wife’s OF profile again.Wife is from Guadalajara, which doesn't mean much to anyone not familiar with Mexico. But Guadalajara has a pretty distinct white european look compared to other areas of the country.
Think this:
moreso than the dark hair, tan skin common in most of the country.
Wife has that Guadalajara complexion combo so doesn't look immediately "mexican" to most people and even she's super uncomfortable traveling to the US despite being full Canadian citizenship for years now just from how she's treated when they see her last name and hear the accent at the border. I expect it to get significantly worse if Trump wins.
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