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OT: American Politics

So, as you can see, MAGAt commentators already had these #realinsurrection talking points lined up. And the cult members are already regurgitating them.

Next stop, CNN and NYT.

Old news in two weeks
A coup against a democratically elected presidential candidate. It’s more organized a systematic of their disdain for the voters. It’s worse than any “insurrection”.

They would’ve continued to leak crap to destroy the man and his family if he didn’t step down.
Yes, the images below aren't from an "insurrection", which we have to place in quotes for "reasons". Asking an 81 year old man to reconsider running for re-election is the "real" insurrection.

#Bizarro World





She has never received a single primary vote. Ever.

A couple of things.

The primaries aren't required by the constitution. They don't operate in a uniform manner across states. The two parties don't operate their primaries under some sort of uniform democratic process. Closed primaries, open primaries, majority systems, plurality systems. It's all over the place. In the end, as long as delegates are pledged according to the appropriate state laws and party rules, any hard feelings about the process is between the Democrats and their voters.
This doesn't meet the definition of a coup either legislatively or obviously militarily. Not even close. A hilarious misuse of the word.

That's between them and their voters though. If they're that dissatisfied, there is another party available for them to vote for in November.

Pure bullshit. Again, and very fundamentally important, President Biden has excused himself from the ballot. The party lost confidence in him, made it public (which again, I disagree with as I've argued on here over the last few weeks) and Biden decided his position was untenable in the end and it was best to step aside. A coup or an insurrection doesn't ask for approval. The democrats asked Biden to step down, even vigorously suggested that he step down. But they had no actual power to force him to. Settle down with this shit.

It's kinda hilarious as we view this from Canada where this happens all the time. Provincially it happened a few years ago with Kenney not being wacko enough for for the cons in AB. Of course Martin forcing out Jean federally.
Harris is the right choice I think. I don’t know where or not Newspme is good but on the surface he looks way too much of the Kerry/Romney caricature of a politician type to think he’s actually win.