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OT: American Politics

We'll see how it plays out. I doubt it's a huge impact but it doesn't need to be huge to very significant.

Comparing this shitkicking of a raving lunatic to Romney outpointing Obama in one debate is completely wrong tho. Debates usually don't have massive impact but they're not usually this lopsided and make one candidate look so much more competent than the other (and in their first real look at her too). We have a very recent example of a debate changing literally everything when one candidate looked awful.
There are reams and reams of footage of her on the senate juduciary committee absolutely shredding witnesses (the likes of Bill Barr, etc) with devestating interrogations. Back before she was veep.

It's where i first noticed her and thought she was the next candidate.

She did have a terrible first primary, but that doesn't explain the unreal psyops job conservative media did on themselves to convince themselves she was literally a moron. It was crazy and a lesson in how effective their propaganda is even on themselves. I know my parents quite honestly thought she was legitimately a stupid person who could never do what she did last night. Even my bro who gets only the filtered down propaganda on social media thought that. They were shocked when i showed them just one clip of her on the judiciary committee.

Fox hosts last night literally expressed shock that she wasn't the "absolute dunderhead that we thought she was". A feat of brainwashing they did to themselves.

That's when I noticed her too. She was brilliant and a star. Happy to see the real Kamala back.
Maybe this influences swing voters in the battle ground states. That would be yuge.

But the Trumpanzees are obviously impervious to his many, many shortcoming comings and criminal behaviour. In fact, they probably saw a bit of themselves in his sputtering, incoherent and factually dubious performance and are even more in resentful fortress mode.