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OT: American Politics

Half the people in your state are inbred hillbillies living in double-wides. Their support for Trump even though they are voting against themselves is not surprising. Trump may not do anything to help them get a decent job, an education, or healthcare, but what he will give them is the thing they value more than anything else: the license to be openly and proudly racist. It's the same drug that Pierre Poilievre is peddling in Canada and it's a big hit among the inbreds and rig pigs here in Alberta and Saskatchewan.
Could not be more wrong.
I was from a middle class family but when I applied to university, I settled for a heavily subsidized one in Canada rather than the small Ivy in Connecticut because my family couldn't afford the costs of tuition and living expenses, especially with the exchange rates.
I feel ya. I chose an instate school so I'd avoid graduating with any student loan debt. Good choice.


It doesn't matter that Trump's base loves him even more than they did in 2020. What matters is that Trump is not gaining one single, solitary, new voter. In fact, he is shedding voters. People who used to vote for him can now no longer abide him and many of the olds who voted for him last time have died since then (many from the Covid virus that he downplayed) Trump will be hard-pressed just to get as many votes as he did last time and we already know that this won't be enough to win.
This reads like a narrative in your head tbh. The top issues people care about are ones directly tied to the administration Harris was just a part of - immigration and the economy.

We do, but mediocre men need to stop whining and just suck it up. If you want to be treated like a man, be a man. Getting a neck tattoo and spending your free time watching Rogan and eating supplements like candy in your mom's basement doesn't make you masculine. Whining about why women don't want to bang is a "you" problem. All masculinity isn't toxic but masculinity as defined by grifting right wing shitbags like Rogan, Andrew Tate, Jordan Peterson et al is ridiculous. None of these choades would last 5 minutes in the arena with a real man.
This reads like a narrative in your head tbh. The top issues people care about are ones directly tied to the administration Harris was just a part of - immigration and the economy.
Explain how gutting Medicare and social security, eliminating Obamacare, adding tariffs, increasing the deficit to award tax breaks to billionaires who don't pay taxes anyway will improve the economy?

Trump has no plan to lower prices. None.

Republicans are notoriously bad at running the economy, because they are stupid. Of the 15economic downturn/recessions beginning in 1929, 11 were the result of Republicans.

The argument that prices were lower under Trump is muted by the fact that they were also lower under Obama.
And fewer Americans died under his watch.

If you think that allowing a game show host the ability to control the economy unchecked after said host filed for bankruptcy 6 times, you aren't just stupid.....you are weapons grade stupid.
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We do, but mediocre men need to stop whining and just suck it up. If you want to be treated like a man, be a man. Getting a neck tattoo and spending your free time watching Rogan and eating supplements like candy in your mom's basement doesn't make you masculine. Whining about why women don't want to bang is a "you" problem. All masculinity isn't toxic but masculinity as defined by grifting right wing shitbags like Rogan, Andrew Tate, Jordan Peterson et al is ridiculous. None of these choades would last 5 minutes in the arena with a real man.
Those guys you listed champion personal accountability and responsibility. I'm not sure your issue with that.
You mean Westmount in Montreal?

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lol, "Private".
Westmount High was the public high school for kids from families that weren't rich enough to send them to LCC, Selwyn House, or The Study. It catered to people who lived in Lower Westmount (i.e. not the big mansions up on the mountain but the row houses below Sherbrooke Street) as well as the great unwashed from Verdun like our friend Count, who went there around the same time as Harris, although she was a couple of grades ahead of him. No one with money sent their kids there. It was a typical inner city high school. Better than some and worse than others. Nothing the least bit special about it.