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OT: American Politics

Me over here looking for dangerous trans people

Prediction: There is video, the person who shot the clip confirms it's real, there are corroborating witnesses from the event, someone from the family acknowledges it happened.

Charlie Kirk says it's fake Ai.

Fly Guy: See? It's totally not true, it's all lies, you guys are fools for believing any of this stuff.

The worst part is going to be when the young girl involved and the family starts getting death threats because fascists are fucking fascists.

Well, strap in.
It's the medias job to combat that, and they do a horrible job of it.

They tried but it's almost impossible to combat the incessant sludge of nonsense, tbh.

Trump is basically "don't bother judging what I say as true or false, just believe it because I am the Mafia Don and you are my underling"

This is day ONE of the Presidency, Meet The Press combats Kellyanne on inauguration crowd size. The initial piece is a 10 min back and forth (this clip is about a 45 seconds)

Kellyanne: Why are we wasting time discussing crowd size
Meet The Press: it undermines credibility and trust of our Commander in Chief
Kellyanne: You have your facts. We are offering you alternative facts

Daniel Dale (and many other journos) have made entire careers fact checking Dotard.

Half the country is rightly aghast and will never vote for Trump because he's a garbage human being

The other half want to kiss his ring.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3xsgWHdyN4
They tried but it's almost impossible to combat the incessant sludge of nonsense, tbh.

Trump is basically "don't bother judging what I say as true or false, just believe it because I am the Mafia Don and you are my underling"

This is day ONE of the Presidency, Meet The Press combats Kellyanne on inauguration crowd size. The initial piece is a 10 min back and forth (this clip is about a 45 seconds)

Kellyanne: Why are we wasting time discussing crowd size
Meet The Press: it undermines credibility and trust of our Commander in Chief
Kellyanne: You have your facts. We are offering you alternative facts

Daniel Dale (and many other journos) have made entire careers fact checking Dotard.

Half the country is aghast and will never vote for Trump because he's a garbage human being

The other half want to kiss his ring.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3xsgWHdyN4

Maybe they tried, but I don't think they tried very hard. A whirlwind of scandal and bullshit is a ratings darling for a 24 hour news industry. If they cover everything he says and does they can even claim to be doing their jobs while juicing their ratings. Everyone wins other than everyone else who isn't TrumpCo or working in media. The need to cover everything quickly turned into the need to bothsides everything to even attempt to appear impartial (which should be impossible when one side is a fucking lunatic), which led to crazier and crazier sanewashing of Trump stories and here we are.
On to the controversial part: Spc Guillen's murder.

First, a quick cast of characters who are involved:

Mayra Guillen: The victims sister (the only member of her family to speak publicly regarding the article to my knowledge)
Natalie Khawam: Lawyer representing the family
Mark Meadows: White House Chief of Staff at the end of the Trump admin
Alex Pfeiffer: Trump spokesperson
Chris Miller: Acting SecDef
Kash Patel: Chief of Staff for Miller
Theo Wold: Spanish/English translator present for the Guillen family visit as her parents' first language is spanish and their english is limited

Okay, so the main claims made that has Trump world's panties in a twist is this:

View attachment 22479
So Meadows has issues a direct denial, which is obviously important. You can make the determination for yourself whether he's telling the truth but he was specifically mentioned as being in the room and part of the conversation with Trump. Kash Patel was also allegedly present and he issued a denial through Pfeiffer as well.

The victim's sister and the translator have both issued statements defending Trump:

View attachment 22481

View attachment 22482

But, kind of crucially with those two, there's no mention of them specifically being in the meeting where Trump allegedly asked about the cost and got angry. There's no reason to expect either of them to have been in the room for that, so from their standpoint I have no doubt that they're sincere and just relaying the events they were a part of. Wold is a maga guy and Guillen family was happy that Vanessa was being honoured. Again, Goldberg is relaying what a 1st hand witness is claiming to have seen and heard.

The 2nd main part is that Trump offered to pay for the funeral but then didn't pay:

View attachment 22480

So, Khawam posted a pretty strong tweet about this:

View attachment 22484

But she never specifically states what Goldberg (or his source) is lying about or what Goldberg is misrepping in their conversation.

But there appears to be no proof that Goldberg is wrong in stating that the funeral was paid for by a combination of the military and family donations (which raised 362K) https://www.gofundme.com/f/pfc-vanessa-guillen-missing

A bunch of news outlets (including Newsweek: https://www.newsweek.com/did-trump-snub-soldier-bill-vanessa-guillen-funeral-cost-1973432) have reached out to Khawam and Pfeiffer for details on whether Trump or his white house paid and they haven't received a response yet but all current information suggests that they didn't. So while I don't blame Khawam for being angry at the timing of the article, she's just repping her clients interests here. But she doesn't seem to state where Goldberg's piece is inaccurate or where the lie is.

So this boils down to two things:

- The "fucking mexican" bit and being angry about a 60K funeral: Without a better understanding of who the source is, I get being skeptical here though nothing Trump has done in his entire life makes me question whether he's capable of being angry about being charged 60K to bury a soldier and whether or not he would use racially charged language. There's simply too many examples of him being a fucking racist to think it's not possible.

- Trump offered to pay for a funeral and didn't even after the lawyer sent the bill: I mean, evidence either exists that it got paid for or it doesn't. There doesn't seem to be any dispute that he offered this to the family with other people present
he obviously didn't pay for it. and I'm inclined to believe the fucking mexican comment too. completely in character.
I honestly have no idea what could be enough of a bombshell to rattle his base.

like videos of him diddling kids on Epstein's island? even then, they'll just yell that it's fake...
although perhaps there are enough undecideds out there that whatever surfaces will actually matter.

just hard to think it makes an impact after access hollywood did... nothing...