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OT: American Politics

Worse. It's a feature to them. They don't support him despite him seeming unfit, they vote for him because it's triggered the right people in their eyes. It's a fascist popular movement that doesn't like the "rules" of society and wants to remake them in their image instead.

MAGA isn’t unique in this regard. Pretty common and maybe even a universal feature of authoritarian movements to demonize professionals, expertise & intellectuals.

And to make those people among their first targets once their hold on power is secure enough to start rounding people up.

Can’t have people speaking from their position of authority or personal gravitas to refute whatever the regime’s current accepted “alternate facts” of the moment are.

Nick Ayers left the administration a year prior to the events being discussed re: Guillen, and again the other things stated about Trump are direct quotes from people who worked for him. Kelly, Milley, etc, etc

Ayers would be high on the list to take a big job in the next Trump admin if he wins the election as well. Sucking up to Donnie is a known path to work in his administrations.
It all feeds into the 3 stooges syndrome too. It was what, 2 days ago he was still on about sending the military against his opponents? Now we're caught up with whether he's literally Hitler or only figuratively Hitler. And whether or not he got angry about a funeral. Tomorrow it's going to be something else.
And his base is still going to laugh at him playing dress up to "show up" Kamala by going to McDonalds, because they're tired of arguing whether he's Hitler and you know Hitler wasn't all bad in some ways, right?

The “baffle everyone with unceasing bullshit” strategy is depressingly effective.
Nick Ayers left the administration a year prior to the events being discussed re: Guillen, and again the other things stated about Trump are direct quotes from people who worked for him. Kelly, Milley, etc, etc

Ayers would be high on the list to take a big job in the next Trump admin if he wins the election as well. Sucking up to Donnie is a known path to work in his administrations.
So basically if 32 people make 755 statements about incidents that happened in the Trump White House, and 1 or 2 people who weren't there at the time but were there at some other point in time say, "Actually I don't believe Statement # 81 is true", Fly Guy says see? It's totally not true, it's all lies, you guys are fools for believing any of this stuff.

This happens all the time on the right. And to be fair, sometimes on the left as well. It's what happens when every nuanced issue gets reduced down to a couple of talking points.

Maybe the Arlington stuff?

Whatever, the fact that they are trying to get ahead of it means something, but like I said, my guess is they are going to try to drop some kind of Kamala bomb before the 4th...they have learned to wait til the last minute, cause no attention span...
It must be pretty bad if they are sounding the warning bells in advance. And it sounds like it's about Trump directly, the Arlington stuff was a staffer and not that big of a deal (though it's gross of course). Could it be the rumoured video of Trump saying the N-word on the set of The Apprentice?
Honestly, I'm expecting trumps team to come up with something, that's what they do.

Honestly, I think they thought that had it covered with the Hunter Biden stuff that is obviously useless now. For example, this happened today:

View: https://x.com/kyledcheney/status/1849182519696265470

I mean, if we're talking about politically motivated "lawfare", the ongoing obsession with Hunter Biden is it and when asked to put up or shut up by the court, the GOP shut up today.

View: https://x.com/kyledcheney/status/1849183454346514487

My bet would be that the Hunter Biden stuff was the Trump team silver bullet for down the stretch where they would just invent new and crazy ways that Joe was involved (with no evidence of consequence, of course).

The whole "Coupmala" shit is a right wing tantrum over a few years of planning going down the shitter because the media did too good of a job with the "Joe is soooooo ooooold" narrative and actually helped get him to leave the race.