Sure, but there's a whole history there, and the Shah wasn't even a wholehearted participant in it.
The point I'm taking issue with here is your view that the Shah was a "monster" that is samesies in your book with the fucking Ayatollah.
People who actually lived there for generations, and fled when the Ayatollah took power, definitely don't agree with your assessment.
The people who fled were the lackeys and courtiers of the Shah. The rich assholes who profited from his corruption. Of course they long for the "good old days" of pre-revolution Iran because they had it good.
It's no different than all the Cubans who fled to Miami after Castro came to power. They were all lackeys for Batista who benefitted from his corruption. When Castro came to power those people's lives were worth even less than Batista's.
Was Castro bad? Well if you were in the mafia and owned a casino in Havana prior to 1959 or you were an exec for the United Fruit Company, sure. But most Cubans liked Fidel a whole lot better than they did Batista.
The US has made boogeymen out of the people who kicked the US and or their corporations out of their countries. That in and of itself doesn't make them bad. The US has overthrown democracies and propped up fascist dictatorships all over the world. So who are the real criminals here? The Ayatollah? Castro? Ho Chi Minh? Or is it the US of A?
We all agree that North Korea is awful and Kim Jung Un is bad. But look at the rogue's gallery of corrupt shitbags who have run South Korea since the war there ended in 1953. Every last one of them a reprehensible criminal propped up by the US.
Whatever Iran has become since 1979 is the fault of the United States and the CIA and the Original Sin was deposing a democratically elected government in 1953 and replacing it with the puppet Shah. Everything that happened after that is on the US, including Khomeni and the radical Islamists who run the country now.
Every damn time since 1945 when the US has an opportunity to be the good guy somewhere in the world they instead decide to support fascists. And now the chickens have come home to roost and the fascists are in the White House, both houses of Congress, and on the bench of the Supreme Court. They did it to themselves by not practicing what they preached.
So next time, instead of some poor Iranian peasant being swept up off the street to be beaten and tortured by CIA-trained thugs in the basement of a Tehran jail, it'll be Americans being taken to the local Sheriff's office to be beaten and tortured by American CIA-trained thugs.