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OT: American Politics

Biden is a gaffe machine Trump Is a gaffe machine gun we've just got used to the noise... and Biden has the temerity to apologize. WEAKNESS!
Trump will Double Triple down and Call fake news Lying Press over coverage of his own words... We've become so inured to Trump's failing they don't stand out the way Biden's do.
Now I won't tell ANYONE how to respond to Biden's comments... Not my place to tell people. I didn't want Biden he was chosen by others but at this point there be 2 choices in America.. Biden or Trump I know which I will vote against Happily... Note I won't be enthusiastic in whom I vote FOR but will be in whom I vote AGAINST.
This is what always happens. I make a statement of concern and people go stupid. You know darn well there are tons of people looking for the excuse to vote Trump. Don’t deny it.

To be clear I’m not calling you stupid, people vote for who they hate the least all the time.
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Trumps plan is to hit everyone with as many scandals as possible so you start to grow tired of talking about it and don't care.

It’s not the gaffe in particular. It’s all the gaffes that give fodder to those looking for a reason to vote Trump again. I’m hearing a lot of it lately.
Yeah, but people who use Biden forgetting a word, or making a bad joke, as justification to vote for Trump were never not voting for Trump.

The idea that Biden has to be perfect otherwise he'll lose voters is crazy standard that I don't think most people adhere to.

Its also so far down the list of what is important in deciding who you will vote for.

Imagine if any other POTUS in history did this.

100K dead and he's wasting time on Twitter with this nonsense,. This guy watches more tv as Persident tan I ever did at age 13.

Best thing is, when people knock him for stuff like this he'll whine and cry media is so unfair to bash himm.
Well, he did say that black people who don't vote for him aren't really black.

In the non-bizarre world version of American politics that may have been a gaffe.

Imagine if any other POTUS in history did this.

100K dead and he's wasting time on Twitter with this nonsense,. This guy watches more tv as Persident tan I ever did at age 13.

Best thing is, when people knock him for stuff like this he'll whine and cry media is so unfair to bash himm.

The deceased women's husband wrote a letter to twitter asking them to remove the posts but Twitter declined.
I feel sorry for Trump believers at this point.
It's ironic that so many religious poor red state people worship a lifelong democrate who grew-up rich with a silver spoon in his mouth and lived his life in manhattan and was so desperate to be friends with rich celebrities.
Howard Stern said it best, Trump wouldm't even let these people into his hotels.
Look some of my cousins could have their parents killed by the current Corona virus and they would still vote for Trump... He could probably sleep with their mothers and they'd still vote that way... Then there are some principled conservatives whom I would gladly discuss politics with. (several of them are on the Lincoln project. ) I'm sorry I'm not going to try and reach these individuals...

I wish I could always vote for people but
Ah the old double standard justification. Good times.
If that's what you want to call it. When I saw the Biden comment I thought "that was dumb." But that's about it. It wasn't outrageous.

And of course, since it's a 2 horse race, I compare him to the alternative... and it doesn't seem even remotely close.

Biden wasn't even close to my #1 choice... there are a ton of better candidates. But he's the one we got and he's infinitely better than his opponent imo.
It’s not the gaffe in particular. It’s all the gaffes that give fodder to those looking for a reason to vote Trump again. I’m hearing a lot of it lately.
I agree... some people will use the gaffes to justify their decision to vote Trump or abstain. The vast majority of those people were voting for Trump regardless though.

I'd guess that the percentage of people that will actually be swayed to vote Trump because of this and potential future gaffes is very small.