Not playing around anymore.
This is what always happens. I make a statement of concern and people go stupid. You know darn well there are tons of people looking for the excuse to vote Trump. Don’t deny it.Biden is a gaffe machine Trump Is a gaffe machine gun we've just got used to the noise... and Biden has the temerity to apologize. WEAKNESS!
Trump will Double Triple down and Call fake news Lying Press over coverage of his own words... We've become so inured to Trump's failing they don't stand out the way Biden's do.
Now I won't tell ANYONE how to respond to Biden's comments... Not my place to tell people. I didn't want Biden he was chosen by others but at this point there be 2 choices in America.. Biden or Trump I know which I will vote against Happily... Note I won't be enthusiastic in whom I vote FOR but will be in whom I vote AGAINST.
To be clear I’m not calling you stupid, people vote for who they hate the least all the time.
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