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OT: American Politics

IMO, that means 54326 fresh articles picking them both apart and we once again won’t be talking about the very clear danger to democracy that is Donald Trump.
Better debate in here than on CNN last week.

I'm mildly shocked Biden hasn't died yet, but I'm almost certain he won't survive the full term if he won, or that if he'd survive, he wouldn't be severely incapacitated and unable to perform basic functions. Looks to me like he has Parkinsons, by the way, and deteriorating rapidly. The clips of him at the debates four years ago is night and day, and back then I thought he was on his last legs! He says he's not dropping out under any circumstances, and I kinda believe him - I think he wants the W for his legacy and intends to die in office. I don't know if they can drag him out kicking and screaming.

If they did, Newsom seems to be the best candidate to take over based on certain criteria, but he is pretty hated over here. (Kamala is worse, and just crap - I don't know any Dems that even like her here, so she ain't an option). Though he looks the part, he's not one of those guys who is likeable enough to pull some Repubs over to their side. California is in bad shape - SF is trash, and LA is crumbling.

Generally I don't even believe in "undecideds" over here. Everyone is decided. Is someone really debating whether they prefer Trump or Biden? Are they remotely in the same universe in any way such that you can even compare them? You're either for one or the other, and there's nothing anyone can say to change your mind. Damon Lindelof (of Lost), a rabid dem, is super vocal since the debate about wanting Biden to pull out. He wrote an op-ed piece for the trades that was published today. Still, if Biden doesn't pull out, is Lindelof voting Trump, or not voting at all? Of course not - he'll vote for Biden.

The thing is, it probably doesn't matter what the Dems do, imo. I agree with CH1's take - most people are looking at their bank accounts and living situations, and price tags on food, drugs, insurance, and especially homes, and concluding that the country is fucked up right now and only getting worse. The middle class is looking decidedly less than middle the last few years, a development that's unfolded quicker than expected, I think. Even if they don't believe Trump is the remedy, feels like people want a change, that the Dems didn't take care of them and that things will just get worse for them if Biden returns.

I called a Trump win in 2016. I can't remember what I thought in 2020, but probably that he'd lose since the Covid stuff kinda killed him. If Biden remains the Dem candidate, I think Trump beats him. And then we can look forward to weeks or more of revolts in the streets and general unrest and instability everywhere.
Is there not some pretty significant challenges to getting a new candidate on the ballot in all 50 states this late in the game?
I still say Biden should take advantage of the shiny new monarchical powers granted by the court and, as an “official act”, launch drone strikes against the six conservative Supreme Court justices, as well as against Donald & every other member of the Trump family.
If the Dems are actually going to try to make a change they have to actually find their balls and scream loudly about Trump at every opportunity. They simply have never come at Trump as hard as they should be. It has to be part of the conversation every single day til November. You can’t let a replacement just be another Dem held to a way higher standard by the media every single day. NYT is just going to pivot to 75476 “is Kamala too shrill!?” articles while the Dems play defense.
If the Dems are actually going to try to make a change they have to actually find their balls and scream loudly about Trump at every opportunity. They simply have never come at Trump as hard as they should be. It has to be part of the conversation every single day til November. You can’t let a replacement just be another Dem held to a way higher standard by the media every single day. NYT is just going to pivot to 75476 “is Kamala too shrill!?” articles while the Dems play defense.
yup. the real issue.