I have friends there who are flabbergasted that so many are still out and Barbour. Gettin their and nails done etc. so I’m not sure how much actual testing is happening or being reportedMaybe they're under reporting
Canada has a significantly larger population though. It does seem light though.
Well Canada is 150% of Australia. I consider that significant but yeah, more testing needs done.
Any mention of the type of test? Still RNA based?
Italy’s been under reporting their COVID-19 deaths?
Holy ****.
Italy’s been under reporting their COVID-19 deaths?
Holy ****.
Everyone has been under reporting because there is no agreed upon structure of what to report. There's also a number of places that just aren't testing their dead for covid.
The final number on the butcher's bill should include the spikes in all-cause mortality that places like Italy surely saw across the board that was signficantly above normal levels.
For example, if car accidents on average see 7.5 deaths per 100 accidents responded to and it spikes to 22 per 100 accidents because people who otherwise would have been given treatment and survived, bled out on the scene, waiting for a delayed ambulance, or in the hallway of the hospital because there was no critical care rooms/staff available, throw it on the bill. We won't be able to attribute individual incidents to Covid, but when viewed as a statistical whole we'll definitely be able to provide pretty decent predictions of how many people died due to Covid related reasons.
If we find out later that we aren't either, I won't be surprised one bit.
It's a grim decision to make, but public health officials have to look at saving as many of the living as possible with the tools and facilities they have available. Dead is dead. Having an accurate to the last digit count of infected doesn't make their job easier or harder, the trend is what's important. They need data collection efficient enough to make decisions based upon. They don't need data that is efficient enough to hit a bullet in flight with another bullet in flight.