The source of so much of the anti-science takes on the numbers:
The numbers aren't accurate anywhere. This has become apparent. The fact that the world can't agree on a uniform method of tabulation is astonishing.
Just looking at that makes me never wanna leave my house.
I just went out for a "one last hurrah" meat purchase and now I'm going to be paranoid for the next week. **** me.
Yeah, reading that the droplets don't just linger in the air for hours; they drop to the ground fairly quickly. I wore my gloves and made sure no one spoke to me or coughed at me, and washed my hands thoroughly. I'm still going to set my paranoia levels on high though. Fuck that shit.From everything I've read it's very difficult to get infected by droplets suspended in the air. As long as you kept your distance, wore gloves/washed hands, I think you should set paranoia levels on low