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Is it just Moderna where they lowered the dosage for the booster shot?
Yeah. Pfizer's dose is still smaller tho. Modernas dosage in the original series was crazy high. But it also worked better.
Is it just Moderna where they lowered the dosage for the booster shot?
Doesn't appear to be any appointments available online. I would have been all over this. Underground sketchy boosters >>>My brothers buddy runs a booster clinic out of his dr office in the Promanade parking lot. Not sure if it’s legal, and they don't have the same selection as OCS, but got my shot yesterday and it was super easy to get an appointment and convenient.
I'm getting my booster today. Got a text confirming my appointment from Alberta Health Services on Friday. The pop-up clinic is a vacant retail space that was formerly a Pier One store. Same place where I got my first two shots.
Unfortunately I already bought tix to that game before the season started.Free Hab tickets for your next Alberta team , might as well make your day worse
Took me 5 minutes to sign up at 7am this morning. Got an appointment for January.
#UnvaxxedGanghey I'm not even eligible until January