Spudmeister Supreme
Did they also inject it through the penis? That’s what they did for my boostertoo late pfizer it is.
Did they also inject it through the penis? That’s what they did for my boostertoo late pfizer it is.
Surprised at this to be honest. Not surprised he got it, but surprised that they would mention it, and then be honest about it.
We might just about be there already quite frankly
Didn't dr Moore say they were saving the testing for congregate settings and best of luck to anyone else
I think that may have been a fake vaccine clinicDid they also inject it through the penis? That’s what they did for my booster
Did they also inject it through the penis? That’s what they did for my booster
Rapid tests are the only thing that matter now.
So we'll be largely flying blind. But we aren't necessarily alone. Denmark has had the equivalent of 25,000-30,000 cases per day in Ontario and it appears they've reached capacity. Granted, their world leading daily testing capacity is about 9x Ontario's.
Hey our capacity is just about tied with the US. So it can't be that bad can it? That's a super powerful country with a Democrat president!!!