It won't be pretty but there's a reason why each wave has gotten milder. This will be the first one after the wave where we got our first clear vaccine effect across the world. Will it get any milder after further exposure (from booster or infection) or have we plateaued? We'll learn a lot about what endemicity is going to look like moving forward. Endemicity doesn't mean it's gonna look pretty of course.I'm not expecting anything approaching stopping omicron. Best we can hope for is to slow it just enough for the hospital system to squeak by. Hope that out 2 doesed majority is effective enough in limiting bad outcomes. We'll know soon enough from our European counterparts.
Doesn't look like UK is going to do much more in terms of locking down.
It's getting out of control around the world. And it sure as fuck ain't George Bush'ian "passionate conservatism". In Brazil Bolsonaro basically ran on a platform of, if elected, I may go with a fascist dictatorship ... and the majority of voters are like, where do I sign up?Conservative governments man. I can't believe that they ever get elected.
Yeah.. I'm losing faith in rapid tests catching the earliest symptoms tbh. The brain fog bit in particular is a red flag. Stay safe and feel better.welp, I am home sick from work today.
bizarre steady lower back pain (which google helpfully tells me is a comicron symptom).
ongoing GI issues
bit of a runny nose but that started last week and I attributed it to winter
no sore throat, but it was scratchy last week
rapid test this morning says negative but likely going to need to go for a PCR. illness (allegedly non-covid) circulating in office last week.
Ms. Wayward was fine yesterday but starting to get some brain fog this morn...