MBow30 alt account
On that note, my friends father is in his 70s and tested positive. He is asymptomatic. That's the first oldie I've heard about getting it THAT mild. I believe it is day 2 or 3 after testing positive so he may be in the clear by now.
My cousin in her 30s is on day 6. The worst of it is over, just some residual congestion, brain fog/fatigue and scratchy throat now. But for the first 3 days of symptoms she called it the flu from hell. She was infected by OG covid in 2020 as well and was barely symptomatic.
And her husband got omicron milder than the wife but both say their experience in 2020 was more mild.
Anecdotally (and this would make sense considering how quickly vaccinated folks clear viral load) it seems that even for people with brutal symptoms they don't last nearly as long as unvaxxed folks.
My cousin in her 30s is on day 6. The worst of it is over, just some residual congestion, brain fog/fatigue and scratchy throat now. But for the first 3 days of symptoms she called it the flu from hell. She was infected by OG covid in 2020 as well and was barely symptomatic.
And her husband got omicron milder than the wife but both say their experience in 2020 was more mild.
Anecdotally (and this would make sense considering how quickly vaccinated folks clear viral load) it seems that even for people with brutal symptoms they don't last nearly as long as unvaxxed folks.