If they allow kids to go back to school after I’m down. They did this last year as well. Identically actually. Except they waited for boxing week sales to be over. I wonder if it’s actually going to be a lockdown or everything’s open with restrictions and capacity limitsNot to fuck with everyone's christmas zen, but a chat with a well connected business contact says that Dougie is quietly preparing an extended lockdown. My buddy has heard 8 weeks as the number fwiw but he wasn't as sure on that as he was on the lockdown bit.
lol. I laugh cause it is like stupidly obvious to me that you should not wait for people to get sick before changing plans due to pandemic, but apparently this is an unpopular viewpoint.Everyone I know's Christmases being cancelled left right and centre right now because of positives.
how is your mom doing? IIRC she got hit pretty hard by alpha?My aunt and uncle are sick and saw my mom and the two Trumpers on Tuesday. Uncle has three people on his hockey team that tested positive in the last two days. Trumpers say if they're positive they will still go ahead with their Christmas dinner (kids and grandkids) tomorrow anyway.
how is your mom doing? IIRC she got hit pretty hard by alpha?
fingers crossed the cough resolves and she avoids getting hit too hard by omicronShe still has issues from alpha, like she hasn't stopped coughing since and has needed a puffer. But for now she says she feels normal for her. We're doing a rapid test on her now.