Now to find the origin of my kids infection...
We're all symptomatic today. I started last night, but so far all mild. Body aches, sore throat, phlegmy, etc. Kid hasn't escalated, seems to be evolving how you'd expect it to, from a leaky nose to a postnasal drip chesty congestion thingo. Cough is getting bad tho.
If it's the 'vid I expect Mrs. Preston and I (or at least one of us) to have escalating symptoms within the next two days since it's well underway already and day 2-3 of symptoms is typically at or near the peak in severity. If it's a cold then we'll follow the kiddo's progression and live happily ever after. My first run-in with covid was barely symptomatic so I can already say this is gonna suck more than that even if it's a cold!