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OT: Coronavirus Resources - and other things to not worry about

There's a nasty norovirus going around, and it's probably good to remember that the rest of the biological world didn't stop trying to kill us just because covid got good.
Yeah, I was wondering about that when you mentioned it previously. Hepatitis going around too, I hear. :oops:
Ya, the loss of taste / smell was the worst. Granted, I lucked out and had mildasfuckicron, but it’s very disarming to not be able to smell or taste anything (unless you’re in a garbage dump or portapotty).
China's shitty homemade vaccines are really biting them in the ass.

40% of their GDP is suddenly on lockdown
residential lockdowns means that sick, old people who have run out of food/medicine are being forbidden to leave the house; their survival in peril
there is so much complaining on social media that the censors can hardly keep up
China's shitty homemade vaccines are really biting them in the ass.

40% of their GDP is suddenly on lockdown
residential lockdowns means that sick, old people who have run out of food/medicine are being forbidden to leave the house; their survival in peril
there is so much complaining on social media that the censors can hardly keep up

capitalism ftw
The vaccines do fine vs severe disease. Problem is that in China and Hong Kong the olds aren't getting vaxxed at high rates. Opposite of every other country. And omicron is proven to be just as deadly as og covid for the unvaxxed.
I guess it’s too early to know how many omicron infections will lead to long-haul symptoms…. Or just wishful thinking on my part that previous variants were more of a risk?
They probably were more of a risk. UK releases long covid stats from time to time and it seems like very very early data shows a smaller proportion of December omicroners got hit with long covid than prior variants (but a very high number overall since infections have increased). Could just be that more vaccinated folks got infected than ever and vaccines may reduce the risk by 40-50% or maybe omicron is milder or both! Stll a pretty high non-zero risk tho. And reinfections don't seem to reduce the risk so if you get hit enough times.... RIP.

It's obviously the #1 thing that's gonna need to be solved in the coming years now that the acute illness is manageable for most.
Doesn't help that we don't understand what it is or what causes it or if a one size fits all treatment would do the trick rather than different treatments for different people.

We're slowly finding out more at least

I have a NP friend - naturopath - who has seen clients responding with big improvements to their health with some protocols she employs.

I for one, would not wait for big pharma to fix everything.
This is in regard to Long covid. She says some of the treatments she employs are similar to those uses with people with chronic lyme disease.
Operation Warp Speed Part 2 seems like the very obvious move for research/treatment/vaccines but I guess if the acute phase isn't crowding hospitals anymore then nothing else matters. Funding for anything covid-related is very hard to come by these days and shit is moving at a snails pace. Too bad.