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I had the tap disabled on my debit card. I just punch in my regularly changed PIN then wipe my hands with some sanitizer .
you have hand sanitizer?!?!!?!?!?! that is more rare than TP out here
I had the tap disabled on my debit card. I just punch in my regularly changed PIN then wipe my hands with some sanitizer .
. You have wipes?? I haven’t seen those in stores for more than a month.
I predict Nike and Lululemon will try to make masks fashionable
Available on Amazon if you dont mind waiting for them to ship from asia
i see some on amazon that you can get in a week (april 9)Anyone tried to buy a thermometer recently? Those also seem non existent.
Yep. Bought them at the end of February along with a bunch of anti bac soap. I was with a coworker who said I was being paranoid but really I should've gotten more.
i was at the doctor the day after edmonton's first case
people stole all the her gloves (boxes of them) in the room so she had to stop keeping them in there
you have hand sanitizer?!?!!?!?!?! that is more rare than TP out here
high but still likely an issue with not enough testing
Make your own.
Rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, glycerin, distilled/boiled water. Put it in a mini squirt bottle and you're good. Sub out the water and glycerin for aloe vera gel if you can find it out there. I haven't been able to source it here. Make sure the final product is at minimum 60% alcohol (so if you're using 70% rubbing alcohol, do the math to ensure the final product is 60% strength...91 or 99% is better for this purpose, but use whatever you can find)
I got a decent amount of latex gloves (45 pairs left) from Shoppers around the time I started my storage food box. But I usually use a pair of old regular gloves that I put in the wash as soon as I get home.
No masks except homemade ones my gf's mom made us. Still have not worn those.
I have a 500ml tub of sanitizer that I barely use because I use gloves instead.
From what we know, isn’t soap better for killing this virus than hand sanitizer anyway?
From what we know, isn’t soap better for killing this virus than hand sanitizer anyway?
Not that I'm aware of. 60% alcohol kills it on contact. Soap and water requires a bit of time and work.
This is correct. Not touching your face does wonders too.From what we know, isn’t soap better for killing this virus than hand sanitizer anyway?
- 20 oz. coconut oil.
- 10 oz. olive oil.
- 9 oz. distilled water.
- 4.78 oz. 100 percent pure lye.