This pandemic is making me really happy we live in Halifax. After work yesterday I decided to drop into Costco (trying to ensure we have adequate stocks, previous trip to Costco they were woefully out of stock). Probably my quickest and most pleasant Costco experience, well... ever. Arrived less than half an hour before close, and was in and out in 10-15 minutes? And got everything on my list. Barely a soul in the store. I did call earlier in the afternoon to see if the things I wanted were in stock.
Was super impressed with the steps they are taking at Costco. Wiping things down after every shopper. Wipes distributed on entry. Tape on the floor for spacing. Costco employees however were most definitely not social distancing from each other.
Then, of course, after I picked up my package in the mail from the Canada Post in Shoppers, two bozos were waiting for a taxi in the foyer area between the automatic doors. Can't really do that in the days of distancing anymore. I was very polite about it, but asked them to give me more space.