He was a dickhead but looked normal enough to me. Daemon definitely looks inbred.I mean this guy was a perfect casting right off the bat.
Not explicitly but George always gave them kind of a children of the corn feel. Silver haired paleskin fireproof outsiders who mostly inbreed and then every couple of generations go nutso and burn the world down.
That makes sense as the protagonists of the series. Would've liked to see them more beautiful when cast for the shows. Like Dany was an unattractive little troll imo. Her brother mostly unremarkable looks-wise. Snow obviously didn't have dominant Targ genes obviously. And on HOD, I don't think we can really call any of them pretty.“Fireproof” Targs was a show-only invention. Book Targs burned just the same as anyone else (and a few of the insane “historical” ones burned themselves alive when they thought otherwise).
And the way GRRM describes the book Targs, their purple eyes and silvery hair aside, is sort of reminiscent of the elves in LOTR. Beautiful but inhuman.
Would've liked to see them more beautiful when cast for the shows.
I mean, it's the nature of the beast when consuming movies and tv. I want to see some pretty people.
Like, would we enjoy Margot Robbie as a Targ more than some actress who looks inbred? I would.
I agree, they are interesting looking, but they look weird (both Daemon and Rhanerys or however you spell it, and the King is just normal). It goes beyond looks too, it needs to manifest in intense charisma. But when you have both, that's the winner. Like Jamie on GOT - great looking guy but also great acting, and super charismatic. I remember hearing a clip of the producers saying they had they hardest time casting that role because they basically needed a movie star but didn't have the money to pay the person movie star money. Getting Nikolaj was a coup. Great bargain shopping that would make even Dubie envious.they're all very interesting looking, and not ugly in the least. much better than a bunch of teeny boppers in midievel clothes.
Cersei? Yeah, I liked her a lot, though she got kinda oldish by the end of it.and the one superhottie in GoT was the evilest bitch in the universe, which was nice.
and the one superhottie in GoT was the evilest bitch in the universe, which was nice.