I enjoyed Arrested Development more as well but I give props to the producers of Friends. I mean when cast members are paid a million an episode you’ve arrived as a show.If I'm wrong because I didn't enjoy Friends as much as Arrested Development, then I don't want to be right.
I mean there are a shittonne of bad shows, but when you get three shows as good as Saul and Andor and Dragons in the same year things are actually good.
We're just spoiled.
Spoiled? No.I mean there are a shittonne of bad shows, but when you get three shows as good as Saul and Andor and Dragons in the same year things are actually good.
We're just spoiled.
Completely agree.They deserve it with how they treated Snyder after his daughter died.
Snyder was willing to stay on and finish the movie, but WB was fighting him every inch of the way on his vision (which turned out well superior to what they wanted) and he said fuck it and walked.
They could have had a viable DCU but they couldn't get out of their own way.
I agree, I have always been DC over Marvel as well. I did always like X-Men and Spiderman but give me DC everyday.I just came across it on Hulu. It’s like original thought is dead.
As for DC, it’s criminal what they’ve done. I was always DC > Marvel but in the movies they’re getting their asses kicked.
That's been crap for years too. They were amazing for a while and then completely dropped off when they couldn't pay someone for an original script and just started making bad imitations of classic stories from the comics instead.Weird how the DC animated universe seems to get significantly more right than the DCU.
How many full episodes did you watch to determine that it was shit?I respect and appreciate how well Friends hit the sweet spot of shared risk between the viewer and the characters. The characters appealed to the lowest common denominator in a major way that was rare even for the time. It was mindless, unfunny, atrocious television, but they still managed to hook millions and millions of viewers to tune in every single week. I appreciate that about any form of entertainment. It's almost even more respectable when the product is objectively horrible.